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MIDAS Documentation v4.37

Manage Templates

You can customize a variety of templates in MIDAS to suite your particular organization. Templates that can be customized (via MIDAS Admin Options → Manage MIDAS → Templates) include:

e-mail: Booking Cancellation

This template allows you to customize the content of email notifications that may optionally be sent to clients when a user deletes their booking(s). You can further separately specify the subject line for such emails.

e-mail: Booking Confirmation

This template allows you to customize the content of email notifications that may optionally be sent to clients when a booking is added for them by a MIDAS user. You can further separately specify the subject line for such emails.

e-mail: Booking Feedback

This template allows you to customize the content of automated emails that may optionally be sent to clients following completion of their bookings. You can further separately specify the subject line for such emails.

e-mail: Booking Reminder

This template allows you to customize the content of automated booking reminder emails that may optionally be sent to clients in advance of their bookings taking place. You can further separately specify the subject line for such emails.

e-mail: Booking Request Approved

This template allows you to customize the content of email notifications that are sent to clients when a booking request they have made is approved by a MIDAS administrator. You can further separately specify the subject line for such emails.

e-mail: Booking Request Approved (with changes)

This template allows you to customize the content of email notifications that are sent to clients when a booking request they have made has approved by a MIDAS administrator, but with some changes made that differ from the original request. You can further separately specify the subject line for such emails.

e-mail: Booking Request Rejected

This template allows you to customize the content of email notifications that are sent to clients when a booking request they have made is rejected/denied by a MIDAS administrator. You can further separately specify the subject line for such emails.

e-mail: Booking Request Submitted

This template allows you to customize the content of email notifications that are sent to clients when they submit a booking request. You can further separately specify the subject line for such emails.

e-mail: Invoice Overdue

This template allows you to customize the content of automated email notifications that may optionally be sent to clients when an unpaid invoice is overdue. You can further separately specify the subject line for such emails.

e-mail: Invoice Reminder

This template allows you to customize the content of automated email notifications that may optionally be sent to clients when an upcoming unpaid invoice is shortly due to be paid. You can further separately specify the subject line for such emails.

e-mail: Miscellaneous

The default e-mail template allows you to customize the HTML for all emails sent via MIDAS, other than those listed below (which can be customized separately). MIDAS sends emails in both HTML and Plain Text formats, and so any HTML tags used will be stripped out of the template when sending in Plain Text format.

e-mail: New Login

This template is used when the "Alert users upon logins from unfamiliar devices?" security setting is enabled. With this setting enabled, whenever a user account is logged into from a new or unfamiliar device, the user will be sent this automated notification. When used in conjunction with the optional Geolocation addon, these notifications can include location details (city, region, country) details about the new login.

Invoice (Cancellation)

Similar to the "Invoice (Regular)" template, the "Invoice (Cancellation)" template allows you to customize the appearance of cancellation invoices generated when a booking is cancelled (deleted) at short notice.

Invoice (Credit Note)

The "Credit Note" template allows you to customize the appearance of Credit Notes.

Invoice (Deposit)

Similar to the "Invoice (Regular)" template, the "Invoice (Deposit)" template allows you to customize the appearance of deposit invoices.

Invoice (Quotation)

The "Invoice (Quotation)" template allows you to customize the appearance of quotations generated through MIDAS. For example, you may wish to include a logo and your organization's address at the top of all quotations, and the date the quotation expires at the bottom. This template applies to quotations shown on screen, when printed, and when emailed.

Invoice (Regular)

The "Invoice (Regular)" template allows you to customize the appearance of standard invoices generated or created within MIDAS. For example, you may wish to include a logo and your organization's address at the top of all your invoices, and payment terms at the bottom. This template applies to invoices shown on screen, in printouts, and in emails.

Online Payments

The "Online Payments" template controls the appearance of the online payment screen your clients can use to pay their invoices. You can further customize the appearance of these screens by specifying your own external .css style sheet in the corresponding field, which will then override the visual "theme" applied by MIDAS to these screens with your own styles.


The "Print" template controls the appearance of printouts generated by MIDAS.

Public: Web Requests

The "Public Web Requests" template allows you to customize the appearance of the Public Web Request screens of your MIDAS, from which non-MIDAS users can check availability of your venues and make booking requests. It's therefore a good idea to include useful information for your public visitors here, including contact information. You can further customize the appearance of these screens by specifying your own external .css style sheet in the corresponding field, which will then override the visual "theme" applied by MIDAS to these screens with your own styles.

Public: Web Bookings

The "Public Web Bookings" template allows you to customize the appearance of the Public Web Booking screens of your MIDAS, from which non-MIDAS users can made bookings online. It's therefore a good idea to include useful information for your public bookers here, including contact information. You can further customize the appearance of these screens by specifying your own external .css style sheet in the corresponding field, which will then override the visual "theme" applied by MIDAS to these screens with your own styles.


The "Receipt" template allows you to customize the appearance of receipts which can be generated against paid/part paid invoices within MIDAS. Similar to the "Invoice" templates, the receipt template can contain much of the same information, and therefore you may wish your receipts to have a similar appearance to invoices. The receipt template applies to both printed and emailed receipts.

Welcome Note

The "Welcome Note" template allows you to edit a message which will appear on your MIDAS login page, and be visible to all visitors who log in to your MIDAS booking system.

You may use valid HTML code and inline CSS in your templates, however, <SCRIPT> and <STYLE> tags are not permitted

Template Variables

Depending upon the template, the following dynamic variables may be inserted:
VariableDescriptionApplies To Templates
%ATTENDEES%The number of attendeesEmail (All Booking-related templates)
%BOOKING_COST%The cost of the bookingEmail (Booking Confirmation, Booking Request Approved, Booking Request Approved - With Changes)
%BROWSER%The name of the user's browserEmail: New Login
%BROWSER_VERSION%The user's browser versionEmail: New Login
%BUILD%Your MIDAS Build NumberAll
%BUILDDATE%The Build Date of your MIDASAll
%CANCEL_LINK%A link for the requestor to cancel their booking requestEmail (Booking Request Submitted)
%CLIENT%The full name of the clientEmail (All Booking-related templates)
%CLIENT_EMAIL%The email address of the clientEmail (All Booking-related templates)
%CLIENT_FIRSTNAME%The first name of the clientEmail (All Booking-related templates)
%CONTENT%Main Generated ContentEmail (Miscellaneous), Invoice, Online Payments, Print, Web Requests
%CREDITDATE%Credit Note DateCredit Note
%CREDITNO%Credit Note NumberCredit Note
%CREDITTO%Full details of the client the Credit Note is for (including organization, address, and email address)Credit Note
%CREDITTO_ADDRESS%Postal address of client the Credit Note is forCredit Note
%CREDITTO_CLIENT%Name of client the Credit Note is forCredit Note
%CREDITTO_EMAIL%Email address of client the Credit Note is forCredit Note
%CREDITTO_ORG%Organization of client the Credit Note is forCredit Note
%CUSTOM_X%A custom booking field's contents. For example, a custom field named "Test Field" would be accessible through the variable %CUSTOM_TEST_FIELD%, etcEmail (All Booking-related templates)
%DATABASE%Current MIDAS Database nameEmail, Invoice, Online Payments, Print, Web Requests
%DATETIME%Current Date & TimeAll
%FINISH%The finish date/time of the bookingEmail (All Booking-related templates)
%HEADING%Default Generated HeadingOnline Payments, Print, Web Requests
%INVOICEDATE%Invoice DateInvoice
%INVOICEDUEDATE%The date by which payment is dueEmail (Invoice Overdue/Reminder)
%INVOICEDUEIN%The number of days until payment is dueEmail (Invoice Reminder)
%INVOICENO%Invoice NumberInvoice
%INVOICEOVERDUEBY%The number of days payment is overdue byEmail (Invoice Overdue)
%INVOICETERMS%The number of days invoices should be paid withinEmail (Invoice Overdue/Reminder), Invoice
%INVOICETO%Full details of the client being invoiced (including organization, address, and email address)Invoice
%INVOICETO_ADDRESS%Postal address of client being invoicedInvoice
%INVOICETO_CLIENT%Name of client being invoicedInvoice
%INVOICETO_EMAIL%Email address of client being invoicedInvoice
%INVOICETO_ORG%Organization of client being invoicedInvoice
%IP%The user's IP addressEmail: New Login
%LOCATION%The user's geographic location (city, region, country)
Note: This requires the optional Geolocation addon.
Email: New Login
%MYLOGO%Your custom/company logoAll
%NOTES%Booking notesEmail (All Booking-related templates)
%ORG%The name of the organizationEmail (All Booking-related templates)
%OS%The user's operating systemEmail: New Login
%PAIDON%The date the invoice was paid in fullReceipt
%POST_LENGTH%The length (in minutes) of any "breakdown" period following a booking's finish timeEmail (All Booking-related templates)
%POST_FINISH%The end date/time of any "breakdown" period following a booking's finish timeEmail (All Booking-related templates)
%PRE_LENGTH%The length (in minutes) of any "setup" period prior to a booking's start timeEmail (All Booking-related templates)
%PRE_START%The start date/time of any "setup" period prior to a booking's start timeEmail (All Booking-related templates)
%PRINTTYPE%Print TypePrint
%QUOTEDATE%Quotation DateQuotation
%QUOTEEXPIRES%The date and time at which the quotation (and associated tentative bookings) expireQuotation
%QUOTENO%Quotation NumberQuotation
%QUOTETO%Full details of the client the quotation is for (including organization, address, and email address)Quotation
%QUOTETO_ADDRESS%Postal address of client the quotation is forQuotation
%QUOTETO_CLIENT%Name of client the quotation is forQuotation
%QUOTETO_EMAIL%Email address of client the quotation is forQuotation
%QUOTETO_ORG%Organization of client the quotation is forQuotation
%REASON%The reason why the booking request has been rejectedEmail (Booking Request Rejected)
%REQUEST_DATE%The date/time the booking request was submittedEmail (Booking Request Submitted/Approved/Rejected)
%RESOURCES%Resources assigned to bookingEmail (All Booking-related templates)
%START%The start date/time of the bookingEmail (All Booking-related templates)
%THEME%The currently selected MIDAS ThemeAll
%TOTAL_COST%The total cost of all bookings listedEmail (Booking Confirmation, Booking Request Approved, Booking Request Approved - With Changes)
%TYPE%The type of bookingEmail (All Booking-related templates)
%UNSUBSCRIBEURL%The URL to use to unsubscribe from further notificationsEmail (Booking Reminder, Invoice Overdue/Reminder)
%USER%The full name of the user who initiated the actionEmail, Print
%USER_FIRSTNAME%The first name of the user who initiated the actionEmail
%VENUE%The booked venueEmail (All Booking-related templates)
%VERSION%Your MIDAS Version NumberAll

Notes about special variables:

  • The %CONTENT% variable should be present in every template where it's applicable. This variable allows MIDAS to know where it should insert its generated content for that template. If this variable is omitted from templates requiring it, generated content will be inserted at the end of the template.

MIDAS » Documentation » Manage Templates