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MIDAS Documentation v4.38

Updating Invoice Status

Once an invoice has been printed or emailed, it can no longer be modified (as after printing or emailing, MIDAS assumes that the invoice has been "finalized"). Once an invoice has been "finalized", you can however still update its status as payments are received. You'll also be able to add visible notes to the invoice too.

To update the status of an invoice:

  • Locate the invoice you wish to update the payment status of, either by;
    • Select the icon in the main toolbar.
    • On the invoicing screen, use the "Show Invoices" drop-down to select "Invoices outstanding".
    • When the results are displayed, locate the invoice you wish to update the status of, and click / tap its corresponding icon.
    • Enter the invoice number in the "Jump to Invoice" box and click / tap the icon.
    • When the invoice is displayed, click the icon in the invoice toolbar.
  • The invoice will then be displayed with an editable field entitled "PAID".
  • Enter the amount the client has so far paid against this invoice into the PAID field.
  • You may optionally add a visible note to the invoice.
  • Click / tap the "Update Status" button.

If you enter an amount in the PAID field that's less than the amount outstanding on the invoice, MIDAS will offer a "Mark outstanding amount as credit?" option. If selected, when updating the invoice's status any outstanding amount will be shown as a credit on the invoice, reducing the outstanding balance to zero.

For example, if an invoice total is $200, you enter $180 in the PAID field and select the "Mark outstanding amount as credit?" option, then the invoice will be updated to show that $180 has been paid against the invoice, and the remaining balance ($20) has been added as a credit.

This feature effectively allows you to mark invoices as "complete" even if the client has underpaid.

If you instead enter an amount in the PAID field that's more than the amount outstanding on the invoice, MIDAS will offer an "Apply over payment as client credit?" option. If this option is selected when updating the invoice's status, the over payment amount will be added as a credit on the client's record in the database. Any credit associated with a client record is then automatically deducted from their next invoice.

For example, if an invoice total is $200, you enter $220 in the PAID field and select the "Apply over payment as client credit?" option, then the invoice will be updated to show that $220 has been paid against the invoice, and $20 will be recorded as a client credit. The next invoice for that client will automatically have a $20 credit applied to it.

MIDAS » Documentation » Updating Invoice Status