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MIDAS Documentation v4.38

Manage Security Settings

The Security settings screen may be accessed via MIDAS Admin Options → Manage MIDAS → Security.

Password Settings

Minimum password length

All users will have to choose a password of at least this number of characters.

Force Password Change Every X Days

All users will be required to change their password every X days.

Offer to save credentials?

Give users the option to save their login credentials, language and theme selections in the browser they are currently using for the next time they access MIDAS.

Password Reset links are valid for

When a user initiates a password reset request, by default the reset link contained within the subsequent password reset email sent to them is only valid for 2 hours. If the user fails to click the link in their email to reset their password within this time frame, the link expires and the user would need to generate a new password reset request again. This setting allows you to change how long these emailed password reset links remain valid for.

Disallow Known Breached Passwords

If enabled, users will not be able to change their password to one which appears in any known public data breach and is therefore considered compromised. This option uses the 3rd party Have I Been Pwned? service. For more information, please see this blog post.

Two Factor Authentication (2FA)

Two-Factor Authentication requires all users to log in with an additional authorization code sent to their registered email address each time they log in with their regular MIDAS credentials.

This ensures that should a user's MIDAS credentials be exposed/compromised, their MIDAS account access remains secure, provided the attacker doesn't also have access to the user's email account.

Info: Two-Factor Authentication is disabled when Single Sign-On (Active Directory integration) is in use

Enable Two-Factor Authentication for all users?

Enabling this option turns on Two Factor Authentication for all user accounts, using one of the following methods:

Authenticator App

Whenever a user logs into MIDAS, they will need to enter a code displayed on their authenticator app to allow them to complete their login to MIDAS.


Whenever a user logs into MIDAS, they will be sent a login code to their registered email address. They must then enter this code into MIDAS to complete their login.

WARNING: This options relies on the ability for your MIDAS system to send email. Therefore, please ensure that you have configured the email settings and verified that you can successfully receive emails from your MIDAS system before enabling this options, otherwise you and your users will be unable to login

Important: Two-Factor Authentication via email is only effective if users use a different password for MIDAS to the password they use to log in to their email account

Device Control

Alert users upon logins from unfamiliar devices

When enabled, whenever a user account is logged into from a new or unfamiliar device, an email notification will be sent to the account holder. The content of this notification may be customized via a template.

Session Control

Inactivity forces logout after

Automatically logs out users if they have been idle for the defined period.

Always force logout after

Automatically logs our users after a pre-defined length of time, regardless of their activity.

Allow Multiple Logins By Users?

If selected, each user will be able to be logged in from multiple browsers/devices at the same time. If not selected, a user will only be able to be logged in from one browser/device at any one time (logging in from another browser/device will automatically log out the previous session).

Please Note: The ability for user accounts to be logged in from multiple browsers/devices simultaneously is not available on systems licensed for a just single user account

Max Invalid Login Attempts

To prevent unauthorized access and "brute force" attacks, your MIDAS can automatically "suspend" an account if a certain number of consecutive login attempts fail. Once an account becomes "suspended", the user who owns that account is sent an email containing a link allowing them to restore access to their account. Additionally, an administrator with sufficient privileges can "unlock" a suspended account via the Manage Users & Permissions.

Allowed IP Range

(Cloud Hosted editions only)

For increased security, you can limit who can access the MIDAS login page, based upon their Internet IP address, irrespective of whether they have a valid login for MIDAS.

You can restrict access to a single IP address, or an IP range. This can be useful if MIDAS is hosted on a public web server, which potentially could be accessed by anyone worldwide. MIDAS' "Allowed IP Range" setting can be used to restrict access to users in your own country, organization, or to just you!

IPs are made up of a set of 4 numbers, each ranging from 0-255. These four numbers are each separated by a period (dot) character, and together form an IP address. For reference, MIDAS also displays your current IP address in the security screen.

By default, the "Allowed IP Range" setting in MIDAS is set to *.*.*.*

"*" is a wildcard character, meaning that any value is acceptable. This will not restrict IPs, and will allow access from any IP. You can change this to only allow access from a single IP, by entering the target IP in this box - If you only want to allow access for yourself, simply enter your IP here.

To restrict access to within your own organization / site, you could instead enter something along the lines of "192.168.*.*" - This would allow access to anyone with an IP starting "192.168", so "" and "" are examples of IPs that would be allowed.

Rather than use the "*" wildcard character, which will allow any value in the range 0-255, you can instead further limit this to a range of values. For example entering [127-255] would only allow IP's that fell within the 127 to 255 values (inclusive). Example: 172.16.10.[127-255] - Allowed IPs fall in the range -

Warning: Proceed with extreme caution when restricting access to MIDAS based on an IP address/range - if you're not careful, you could lock yourself out of MIDAS completely!

Warning: If you are restricting access to a single IP address, such as your own, ensure that you have a static IP that will not change, and not a "dynamic" IP, which may periodically change, resulting in you being locked out of MIDAS


If the "Honor user's privacy preferences" option is selected and the user is using a web browser which supports (and the user has enabled) either "Global Privacy Control" or "Do-Not-Track" privacy settings in their browser, then MIDAS won't log the user's IP addresses in the Recent Activity log.

Security Audit

Performs an "on-demand" audit on your current security settings. When run, a number of key metrics of your MIDAS system will be analyzed (including your database setup, MIDAS files, and recommended MIDAS settings). A detailed report is then generated with helpful suggestions and advisories for improving the overall security of your MIDAS system.

MIDAS Knowledge Base: Tips for keeping your MIDAS secure
MIDAS » Documentation » Manage Security Settings