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MIDAS Documentation v4.38

Manage Fields

MIDAS gives you extensive control over the fields that appear on the booking screen, public request/public booking screens, search results, print outs, and email booking confirmation notifications.

MIDAS also gives you control over client fields too.

By default, 8 booking fields and 7 client fields are present.

The default booking fields are: Date(s), Times, Venue(s), Attendees, Client, Type, Notes, and Resources. With the exception of the Date(s) and Venue(s) fields, each field can be shown/hidden, and on the booking and request screens also set to be optional or required.

Optional Setup and Breakdown time fields can also be enabled.

The default client fields are: Client, Organization, e-mail, Address, Phone, Cell, and Notes. With the exception of the Client field, each field can be shown/hidden or set to optional or requires according to your requirements.

You'll find these settings via MIDAS Admin Options → Manage MIDAS → Fields.

From this screen you toggle between viewing booking fields or client fields. You can also add your own custom booking or client fields....

Adding a Custom Booking or Client Field

  • Switch to the appropriate Booking Fields or Client Fields tab.
  • Click / tap the "Add Custom Field" button.
  • A small window will open allowing you to specify the following:
  • Field Name - The display name of your new field.
  • Field Type - The type of custom field you wish to add. Available options include:
    • Checkbox - A "tick box" field.
    • File - Allows uploading/attaching of files and documents to bookings or client records.
    • List (Single Select) - A drop-down list of pre-defined items from which a single item may be selected.
    • List (Multi Select) - A drop-down list of pre-defined items from which multiple items may be selected.
    • Number - A field that will only accept numerical input.
    • Range - A "slider" control allowing selection of a numeric value within a defined range.
    • Text - A single-line text field.
    • Text Area - A multi-line text field.
    • URL - A navigable web link to an external resource.
  • Field Description - A short description describing the purpose of the field. This will be shown to users directly above the field. Simple HTML code may be included, for instance to provide a link to an external document or website.
  • Show Field To - This setting allows you to restrict showing this field to just the user(s) you select, rather than showing it to all users (which is the default).
  • Depending upon the Field Type selected, a number of additional options may be presented. These are:
  • Default Value/Item - The default value (or item in case of a list) for the custom field.
  • Lines - For "text area" field types, this setting controls the number of lines (rows) of text to display for the text area by default. If the user inputs more lines of text than this setting, the text area will become scrollable.
  • Link triggers download - For "file" field types, this option hints to web browsers as to whether the attached file should be opened by the user's browser or downloaded to their device.
  • List Items - If a "list" field type is selected, the items in your custom list may be added here.
  • Maximum Length - For Text and Number fields, you can limit the maximum number of characters a user can enter into the field.
  • Number of Items to show - If a "list" field type is selected, you can provide a hint to user's browser as to how many list options should be displayed at once without needing to scroll.
  • Resizable - For "text area" field types, this setting controls whether the height of the area can be dynamically resized by users to increase or decrease the number of lines of text shown at once.
  • Click / tap "Ok" when done to create your new custom field.

The "File" Field Type is only available in self-hosted editions of MIDAS [More Info]

Editing a Custom Booking or Client Field

  • Switch to the appropriate Booking Fields or Client Fields tab.
  • Click / tap the icon alongside the field you wish to edit.
  • A small window will open allowing you to modify the custom field (see above for options available in this window).
  • Click / tap "Ok" when done to update your custom field.

Removing a Custom Booking or Client Field

  • Switch to the appropriate Booking Fields or Client Fields tab
  • Click the icon alongside the field you wish to delete.

Default fields cannot be deleted. They can however in most cases be "hidden" if they are not required

Renaming or removing a custom booking field will automatically update/remove any associated %CUSTOM..% variable references in your templates

Re-Ordering Fields

  • You can change the order in which fields are shown, via the "Re-order Fields" button at the bottom of the Booking Fields or Client Fields tabs.

Making a field "Required"

  • On the Manage Fields screen, left-click (or tap) the tick box in the "Required" column alongside the booking or client field you wish to mark as "Required".
  • A "Required" field means that a valid entry needs to be made in the field before you can add/modify the booking or client.
  • In the case of a "Checkbox" field, setting it to be "Required" would mean that the box would need to be ticked ("checked") in order to proceed.
  • For all other fields, marking them as "Required" would mean that they can't be left blank/empty in order to proceed.
  • In the case of custom number, text, text area, and URL fields, right-clicking (or long pressing) on its "Required" tick box will allow you to enter a Regular Expression (REGEX). Subsequent user input into the custom field will then be required to match against the entered Regular Expression.

For assistance with Regular Expressions please see our KB article, How to use Regular Expressions for custom input validation.
MIDAS » Documentation » Manage Fields