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MIDAS Documentation v4.38

Manage Invoice Settings

The Invoice settings screen may be accessed via MIDAS Admin Options → Manage MIDAS → Invoicing, and allows you to change various invoicing settings within MIDAS.

Invoice Settings

Currency Symbol

Defines the currency symbol to use. (examples: $, £, €)

Currency Code

Specifies the three-letter ISO currency code to use (examples: USD, GBP, EUR)

Default Tax Amount

The "tax" element (percentage) to be added to invoices by default.

Setting this to "0" will not apply any tax by default to created invoices.

Tip: Setting "Default Tax Amount" blank (instead of "0") will hide the Tax line completely on subsequently created invoices (existing invoices with Tax elements will not be affected)

Payment Terms

The number of days you allow your clients to pay their invoices from the date of invoice. This value can be used in conjunction with Scheduled Tasks to automatically send clients payment reminders / payment overdue notifications.

Regular Invoice Prefix

Specifies a short "prefix" to add to the start of your incremental invoice numbers. For example, if set to "MIDAS" the first invoice you generate/create will have the ID "MIDAS0001", the second "MIDAS0002" and so forth. You may wish to change this prefix each year, for example "MIDAS2014" will generate "MIDAS20140001", "MIDAS20140002", etc...

Include in Invoice Notes

This setting allows you to include the contents of an additional booking field in the notes section of your generated invoices. For example, setting this to "Notes" will combine the booking notes of all bookings included on subsequently generated invoices. Ticking the additional "Itemize?" box would itemize these notes, associating each to its corresponding booking on the invoice.

Resource Item Appearance

Control how Resource items should be displayed on invoices.

Round up values?

If selected, when invoices are generated, MIDAS will automatically round up totals to their nearest whole unit.

Show amounts excluding Tax?

If selected, charges indicated on the Booking Availability screen and line amounts on invoices will be shown exclusive of tax.

Indicate charges on Booking Availability screen?

If selected, total venue/resource charges will be indicated on the Booking Availability screen for users with Invoicing permissions.

Create Invoices by Default?

When bookings are added to MIDAS a small "Create Invoice?" tick box is shown. If "Create Invoices by default" is selected, this tick box will always be ticked by default i.e. an invoice will be created for every booking, unless otherwise specified.

Include zero value invoice items?

If selected, venues and resources for which there is no charge will still be included on invoices for completeness and / or if you need to denote that the client is getting something free of charge. If this option is not selected, items whose total charge is zero will not appear on generated invoices.

Create invoices if invoice total is zero?

If unselected, MIDAS will only generate invoices where the invoice total is greater than zero. If selected, MIDAS will generate invoices regardless of invoice total.

Automatically mark invoices totaling zero as paid?

If selected, then any invoice MIDAS generates that has a total of zero will automatically be marked as "Paid in Full".

Prevent modification/deletion of bookings for which invoices have been created?

This setting will "protect" bookings, for which invoices have been created, from further modification or deletion. Such bookings can then only be modified/delete once their associated invoices have been deleted or until this setting is disabled. This setting applies to all users, meaning that when enabled, no user will be able to modify/delete such bookings.

Prevent invoice deletion

This setting controls if and when invoices can be deleted, and has three possible values:
  • Set to "Never", invoices can be deleted from the system at any time.
  • Set to "After sending, until paid in full" will prevent invoices that have been sent (i.e. printed or emailed) from being deleted, until such time as the invoice has been paid in full. Invoices that have been created but not sent, or those paid in full, can still be deleted with this option selected.
  • No invoices can be deleted from the system at all whilst the "Always" option is set.

Setup / Breakdown Time Handling

These settings control how Setup and Breakdown times should be calculated and displayed on generated invoices. Four options are available:
  • Invoices generated using Start / Finish times
  • Invoices generated using Start / Finish times. Setup / Breakdown times displayed on invoice
  • Invoices generated using Setup / Breakdown times. Start / Finish times displayed on invoice
  • Invoices generated using Setup / Breakdown times. Setup / Breakdown times displayed on invoice

Take for example a booking from 10am - 11am, with a 30min setup and 30min breakdown period, in a venue with a rate of $100/hour.

With this option set to "Invoices generated using Start / Finish times", the booking would be invoiced at a rate of $100 (i.e. $100/hour for 1 hour), and the booking times on the invoice will indicate 10am - 11am.

With this option set to "Invoices generated using Start / Finish times. Setup / Breakdown times displayed on invoice", the booking would be invoiced at a rate of $100 (i.e. $100/hour for 1 hour), but the booking times on the invoice will indicate 9.30am - 11.30am.

With this option set to "Invoices generated using Setup / Breakdown times. Start / Finish times displayed on invoice", the booking would be invoiced at a rate of $200 (i.e. $100/hour for 1 hour + 30min setup + 30min breakdown = 2 hours), but the booking times on the invoice will indicate 10am - 11am.

With this option set to "Invoices generated using Setup / Breakdown times. Setup / Breakdown times displayed on invoice", the booking would be invoiced at a rate of $100 (i.e. $100/hour for 1 hour + 30min setup + 30min breakdown = 2 hours), but the booking times on the invoice will indicate 9.30am - 11.30am.

Number of invoices to show in recent invoice lists

This setting controls the number of recent invoices to display in the quick jump lists on the main invoicing screen.

Booking Type Discount

Apply Discounts To

This setting controls which elements of a booking a booking type discount should be applied to. You can choose to have booking type discounts applied to venue rates only, resource charges only, or both.

Apply Discounts Silently

If you've set up discount rates depending upon the type of booking, when MIDAS generates invoices, it will apply this discount, and reference the fact that a particular discount has been applied. Enabling the "Apply Discounts Silently" option will still apply these discounts, but no reference to the fact that a discount has been applied will appear on your invoices.

Deposit Invoices

If enabled, the Deposit Invoice settings instruct MIDAS to automatically generate separate deposit invoices (in addition to "regular") invoices.

This feature is useful if you normally charge your clients a "damage" or "security" deposit in advance of their bookings, or if you require "part payment" prior to their bookings taking place.

Here you can set how much should be charged on deposit invoices - be it either be a fixed amount, or invoiced as a percentage of the total cost of the venue & resource usage of the original booking(s).

The "Deposit Tax" field allows specifying a percentage amount of tax to apply to deposit invoices.

With the "Deduct deposit from regular invoice total" option enabled; the total of the deposit invoice will be deducted from the total amount on the "regular" invoice for the client's booking(s).

For example, with this option enabled; if a client's booking costs $200 and you require a 20% deposit, the deposit invoice would be for $40 (20% of $200) and the regular invoice would be for $160 (i.e. $200 - $40). The total payable by the client would be $200 ($40 + $160).

Alternatively, with this option disabled, the same booking would produce a despot invoice for $20 and a regular invoice for $200. The total payable by the client would be $240 ($40 + $200).

The "Deposit Invoice Prefix" setting, allows specifying a short "prefix" to add to the start of your incremental deposit invoice numbers. This prefix must be different to the Regular Invoice, Cancellation Invoice, and Credit Note prefix settings.

Cancellation Invoices

The Cancellation Invoice settings instruct MIDAS to automatically generate invoices if a client's booking is canceled (deleted) at short notice. You can set how close to the commencement of a booking (in hours or days) a cancellation invoice should be generated if a booking is then canceled in that period. For example, a setting of "14 days" will mean that a cancellation invoice will be automatically created for any booking that is canceled less than two weeks before it was due to commence.

You can then define what this late cancellation fee should be - it can either be a fixed amount, or charged as a percentage of the total cost of the venue & resource usage of the original booking that has been canceled.

Furthermore, you can optionally have MIDAS automatically increase this fee if the booking is cancelled (deleted) at even shorter notice. For example, you could charge a 20% cancellation fee for bookings cancelled less than 28 in advance, and increase this to 50% for those cancelled less than 7 days in advance.

The "Cancellation Tax" field allows specifying a percentage amount of tax to apply to cancellation invoices.

The "Cancellation Invoice Prefix" setting, allows specifying a short "prefix" to add to the start of your incremental cancellation invoice numbers. This prefix must be different to the Regular Invoice, Deposit Invoice, and Credit Note prefix settings.


Update quotation terms on partial payment

By default, generated quotations are valid until the corresponding tentative booking(s) are set to expire. (You can set these via the Manage Booking Types screen).

If you enable the "On partial quotation payment, update quotation terms to standard invoice terms" setting, then if a partial payment is made against a quotation, it's expiration will instead be updated according to your standard payment terms (see the Payment Terms setting on the same screen).

Without the "On partial quotation payment, update quotation terms to standard invoice terms" setting enabled, a quotation's expiration will remain as initially determined by the corresponding tentative booking(s) expiration, even if a partial payment is received.

Update booking type on payment

This setting gives you the option to have MIDAS change the "booking type" associated with a tentative booking to be that of a confirmed booking upon quotation payment.

The "Full" / "Partial" setting controls when this takes place. A setting of "Full" will only update the tentative booking's type upon receipt of the full quotation payment. A setting of "Partial" will update the booking's type upon any payment against the total value of the quotation.

Quotation Prefix

Similar to regular, deposit, and cancellation invoice prefixes, the Quotation Prefix setting specifies a short "prefix" to add to the start of your incremental quotation numbers. For example, if set to "QUOTE" the first quotation you generate will have the reference "QUOTE0001", the second "QUOTE0002" and so forth.

Online Payments

MIDAS provides ability to allow your clients to pay online, invoices generated by your MIDAS system.

If you have a PayPal and / or Stripe account, specify your account details in the "Online Payments" section to allow your clients to pay their invoices online using a major credit/debit card or PayPal account.

Client must enter their email address to access their invoice online

Setting this option will require clients to enter their Invoice Number, Invoice Date and their email address in order to view and pay their Invoice online. Unselected, clients will only need to enter their Invoice Number and Invoice Date.

If you email invoices to all your clients through MIDAS, you should consider selecting this option for increased security.

Clients without an email address on record within MIDAS will not be able to pay their invoices online if this option is selected. If you print off and post physical invoices to clients, and their email addresses are not present in MIDAS, you should consider deselecting this option to allow your clients to pay their invoices online.

Allow partial invoice payments?

If this setting is selected, then your clients can choose to make partial payments online against their invoices. If this setting is not enabled, then when clients go to pay their invoices online, they will only be able to pay them in full.

See Also: Online Payments

Credit Notes

The "Credit Note Prefix" setting, allows specifying a short "prefix" to add to the start of your incremental credit note numbers. This prefix must be different to the Regular, Deposit, and Cancellation invoice prefix settings.

MIDAS » Documentation » Manage Invoice Settings