MIDAS v4.37 Out Now!

We have a new update available to our MIDAS booking software. This update includes improvements to custom fields, booking requests, printing, privacy, and more.

Here’s what new and improved in v4.37…

Quickly Process Multiple Booking Requests

Selectively process multiple booking requests in MIDAS v4.37
Selectively process multiple booking requests in MIDAS v4.37

Until now, booking requests could only be approved one by one, or every request could be “bulk” approved at once. For v4.37, we’ve introduced selective approval which saves time by allowing multiple booking requests to be approved in a single one action – Read more…

Custom Field Improvements

New custom Text Area field options
New custom Text Area field options
New custom File Upload field options
New custom File Upload field options

Custom “Text Areas” can now have a height set, and be set to be resizable too. Additionally, custom file upload fields can be configured to either view or save/download attached files – Read more…

Invoicing Improvements

Updating an invoice’s internal notes is now recorded in the Recent Activity audit log. Also, manual quotation payments for tentative bookings can now also update the booking’s type – Read more…

Better Support for “Shared” email addresses

If you have individuals using the public booking/request features of your MIDAS system, and they’re making bookings/requests on behalf of multiple organizations but using their personal email address for each, then v4.37 has improved support for such “shared” email addresses – Read more…

Day Notes can now appear on booking printouts

Notes that are attached to specific calendar dates in your booking system can now be set to be included on booking printouts – Read more…

Deprecating some outdated settings

We’ve removed the “SSL Access” setting, and changed the “Allowed IP Range” setting to now only be available in cloud-hosted edition – Read more…

Other Improvements

This latest version of MIDAS also includes stability and performance improvements, theme/UI updates, and fixes for several issues that have been detected or reported since the previous release (v4.36) – View the complete v4.37 changelog….

How To Get MIDAS v4.37…

New to MIDAS?

You can try MIDAS v4.37 for FREE with no obligation to purchase!

There’s both a functional online public demo, and you can also try MIDAS free for 30 days.

We offer a choice of both cloud and self hosted solutions. So if you’re ready to get MIDAS working for your organization, purchase or subscribe today via our secure website.

“Self Hosted” Customers:

Self-Hosted customers with active Support Subscriptions can update to v4.37, and it only takes a couple of clicks.

Simply log in to your MIDAS system and go to MIDAS Admin Options → Manage MIDAS → Update.

We’re currently undertaking a phased roll out of this update rolling out to self-hosted customers. So if there’s no update shown as available to you today, please try again in a few days time.

“Cloud Hosted” Customers:

All our active Cloud-Hosted customers MIDAS systems have already been update to v4.37.

We seamlessly apply software updates for our cloud hosted customers. So you’ll always have access to the latest features, and never need to worry about running outdated software.

The “Date Notes” feature allows you to attach notes to a single date, or a range of dates within your booking system.

Add notes to calendar dates
Add notes to calendar dates

These notes are then shown to all users who navigate to that date (or to a date within that range).

This can be used to remind other users of special dates, when your closed for public holidays, or other activities or notable events to be aware of on certain dates.

Dates with notes associated with them are also indicated on the Booking Availability screen where they can be quickly viewed before new bookings are added.

MIDAS v4.37 introduces a new setting which now also allows you to include date notes on your booking print outs.

This new setting may be found under MIDAS Admin Options → Manage MIDAS → Print → Include Date Notes on printouts.

Updates to our “Reviews” addon

This week we’ve released an update to the optional “Reviews” addon for MIDAS.

If you’re not familiar with this addon, it allows your business to automatically collect feedback, reviews, and ratings on independent review sites from the customers who hire and book your facilities.

How the Reviews addon works

The “Reviews” addon works by automatically notifying an independent review collection platform after a client’s booking has taken place at your facilities. The review platform then in turn sends out an invitation by email to your client asking them to leave a review or rating of their experience with your business on their website.

Supported Review Platforms

First released in 2020, initially integration was supported for four independent review platforms by our addon. This was further increased to five review platforms in 2022.

As our Reviews addon integrates with independent, third party review and rating services, our addon is reliant on these services remaining active.

Latest updates to our Reviews addon

Psydro is now defunct

Recently, the “Psydro” review platform appears to have closed. It’s main website has been timing out and returning errors for a while now. Whilst there’s been no official statement from Psydro, given their website had been inaccessible for some time, we believe this platform is now dead. Consequently, we have now dropped support for Psydro.

collect-reviews.com is now defunct

There’s also something strange going on with the “collect-reviews” website. Recently, it’s content has changed to a Thai gambling site. Again, there’s been no official statement from the collect-reviews team. It is therefore not known if they’ve sold their domain, or if it’s been hacked. Either way, it’s clear that right now their website is not the review platform it was previously. Consequently, we have now also dropped support for “collect-reviews”.

TrustSpot rebrands to RaveCapture

Finally, “TrustSpot” has recently rebranded to become “RaveCapture”. TrustSpot was one of the review platforms our addon supported from the outset. According to the TrustSpot/RaveCapture team, other than a name and logo change, nothing else has changed. The platform’s functionality remains the same. We’ve therefore updated the name and logo in our Reviews addon to reflect this rebrand.

In addition to RaveCapture/TrustSpot, our addon continues to support the Reviews.io and TrustPilot platforms too!

How to get the Reviews addon

If you’d like to get reviews from users of your facilities on popular review sites like TrustPilot, then the Reviews addon for MIDAS is for you!

This optional addon is available for both cloud hosted and self hosted MIDAS booking systems.

To add this addon to your existing MIDAS system, simply go to mid.as/upgrade.

If you’re not yet using MIDAS to handle your bookings and scheduling, you can get MIDAS today with the Reviews addon.

One of the great features of our software is that it can allow visitors to your website to check room availability. They can then make an online booking (or booking request) for use of your facilities.

As this can be done without requiring a login or a user account. When making a “public” booking/request, the person simply needs to enter their details. This will typically include their name and contact email address.

When a public web booking/request is made, MIDAS checks the email address that’s been entered against its existing client database.

If a single matching client with the same email address already exists in the client database, MIDAS will associate the booking/request with that existing client.

This negates the need for a person to have to re-enter all their information (i.e. address, phone number, etc) each time they make a web booking or request.

MIDAS can also be configured to allow a person to update their information each time they make a web booking or request, if you so desire.

Multiple clients with the same email address

But what if there is more than one existing client in the database with the same email address as the person making the web booking / request?

In these instances, MIDAS will not only compare the email address given, but also the client and organization names provided.

If there is a single exact match based on this additional information, MIDAS will associated the booking/request with the one matching client.

Again, MIDAS can be configured to update the existing client record at time of web booking / request with new details supplied by the individual.

The problem

There is however an “edge case” where the above options don’t quite go far enough.

Take for example an individual who uses their personal email address to make web bookings or requests for multiple different organizations they’re associated with.

That’s no problem if there are existing client records for the client for each of their organizations. But it becomes an issue if this is a brand new client, or a client with just a single existing client record under one of their organizations.

Here’s an example to illustrate:

Let’s say Jeff is associated with two organizations – let’s call them “A” and “B”.

Let’s also assume that Jeff is a brand new client. There is therefore currently no client record with the same email address existing in your MIDAS system.

Jeff makes a booking request using his personal email address on behalf of organization “A”. A new client record is created for Jeff using this information.

A short while later, Jeff makes another booking request. He uses his personal email address again, but this time he’d like to make a request for organization “B”.

When Jeff makes his second request, MIDAS will see that there is already a single client in its database matching Jeff’s email address. At this point one of two things will happen, based on whether the “Allow client record updates” setting has been enabled in MIDAS.

If the “Allow client record updates” option is disabled, MIDAS will reuse Jeff’s original details (i.e. organization “A”). This will result in both his booking requests being for organization A.

If the “Allow client record updates” option is enabled, MIDAS will update Jeff’s original details (i.e. to become organization “B”). This will result in both his booking requests being for organization B.

…but that’s not what we want! We want his first request to be for organization A, and his second for organization B.

The solution

Instances of someone making web bookings / requests on behalf of different organizations but using the same email address are uncommon. But we still wanted to better accommodate this scenario.

So for MIDAS v4.37 we’ve introduced a new “Account for multiple clients/organizations sharing the same email address” setting.

Account for multiple clients/organizations sharing the same email address
NEW: “Account for multiple clients/organizations sharing the same email address” setting

Enabling this setting will automatically create additional client records for each client/organization variant using the same email address.

The result – in our illustrative example above – would be that Jeff can make booking request for either organization A or B (or even a future organization C) using his personal email address without issue.