Table of contents
- Getting Started
- Bookings
- Clients
- Invoicing
- Creating Invoices
- Modifying Invoices
- Updating Invoice Status
- Adding Internal Invoice Notes
- Viewing Invoice History
- Deleting Invoices
- Cloning Invoices
- Merging Invoices
- Printing Invoices
- Emailing Invoices
- efunding Invoices
- Printing eceipts
- Emailing eceipts
- Quotations
- Online Payments
- Credit Notes
- Manage Invoice Settings
- Printing
- Searching
- Statistics
- Activity Tracker
- Messages, Notes, Watches, and eminders
- MIDAS Admin Options
- Manage MIDAS
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- About MIDAS
MIDAS Documentation v4.38
Emergency Evacuation Data
If your MIDAS administrator has granted you sufficient privileges you may see this icon in the main toolbar , which may also include a number.
Emergency Evacuation Data
This is a one-click emergency printout button, which will generate a printout of all ongoing bookings at the point in time when the button is clicked/tapped. This feature is very useful if you need to conduct an emergency evacuation/roll call of your premises, as it will instantly show you, or the Emergency Services, the location and estimated number of occupants across your site.
If the icon additionally includes a number this is a live estimate of the number of people on your site at the present time.
DISCLAIME: We do not advocate putting yourself or others at risk in a building being evacuated by staying behind in order to print off data from MIDAS. You should ONLY use the "Emergency Evacuation Data" button if you are not putting yourself or others at increased risk
See Also: Manage Safety Settings