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MIDAS Documentation v4.38

Manage Users And Permissions

"Manage Users & Permissions" gives you extensive control over user accounts, and is accessed via the MIDAS Admin Options icon. Use this function to add/remove users, and to control which MIDAS features each user has access to. Active Directory integration can also be enabled and configured from this screen.

There are three tabs on the Manage Users & Permissions screen:
Users - From this tab you can add a new user, remove an existing user, or modify an existing user's details or permissions.
Groups - For this tab you can define a new user group, remove an existing user group, or modify the permissions on an existing group.
Single Sign-On (SSO) - From this tab you can configure and enable/disable single sign-on integration with an Active Directory

Adding a New User

  • On the "Users" tab, click / tap the "Add New User" button. You can then proceed to add details for the new user.
  • Enter the new user's full name and e-mail address in the "User Settings" area - it is important to enter a valid email address, as the user will require this if they need to reset a lost/forgotten password.
  • Enter a "password" for the user, or use the "Random" button to automatically generate a random password.
Remember: Passwords are case-sensitive
  • If you would like MIDAS to automatically e-mail the new user their login and MIDAS access details, ensure that the "Auto send User their Login details via email" option is checked.
  • If the "User must change password on next login" option is selected, next time the user logs in to MIDAS, they will be prompted to change their password - It is recommended that this option is selected, especially if you have generated a "random" password for that user, which will be difficult to remember.
  • If the new user is likely to be making bookings with themselves as the "client", ticking the "Also add user as a client" option will also create a client entry for the new user.
  • Manually set "permissions" (privileges) for the user from the list of available "User Permissions", or use the "Assign Permissions From Group" drop-down to use current permissions from an existing user group.
  • Select "Save Changes" when complete to add the user to MIDAS.

If you have enabled Single Sign-On (Active Directory) authentication with the "Update User Permissions upon each authentication" option, user's permissions will be updated whenever they access MIDAS with current permissions from the user group in MIDAS matching their Primary Group in your Active Directory

Cloning (copying) a User

  • On the "Users" tab, select an existing user whose permissions you wish to "clone" (Create a New User based on the User Permissions of another user).
  • Select the "Add New User" button.
  • The "User Settings" area will be cleared allowing you to add details for the new user.
  • The rest of the "permissions" (privileges) will have remained from the previously selected user. You may adjust these for your new user accordingly.
  • Select "Save Changes" when complete to add the new user to MIDAS.

Modifying a User

  • On the "Users" tab, select the user you wish to modify from the list of users.
  • The selected user's settings and permissions will then be displayed.
  • Make changes to the user's settings/permissions as necessary and select "Save Changes" when done.

NOTE: For security, the user's password is not displayed when modifying. Only add text to this field if you wish to change the user's password. Leaving it blank when proceeding to "Save Changes" will leave the user's current password unchanged

If you have enabled Single Sign-On (Active Directory) authentication with the "Update User Permissions upon each authentication" option, user's permissions will be updated whenever they access MIDAS with current permissions from the user group in MIDAS matching their Primary Group in your Active Directory

Removing a User

  • On the "Users" tab, select the user you wish to delete from MIDAS from the left-hand list of current users, and then click / tap the "Remove Selected User" button.

Only the user will be removed - any bookings made by that user will still remain in MIDAS

If you have enabled Single Sign-On (Active Directory) authentication, removing a user will only be temporary - the next time that user authenticates, they will be added back to MIDAS. In such instances, "Suspending" the user (via the "Account is Suspended" option) rather than removing them, will revoke their access.

Enabling/Resetting Two Factor Authentication

  • You can enabled/disable two factor authentication for the selected user via the "2FA Login" setting.
  • If set to "Email", then each time the user logs in, a login code will be sent to their email address. They must then enter this code to complete their MIDAS login.
  • If set to "Authenticator App", then the next time the user logs in, they'll be prompted to set up their authenticator app (Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator, etc). Then on each subsequent login, they'll need to enter the code shown on their authenticator app to complete their MIDAS login.
  • If set to "Disabled", then no 2FA will be enabled on the selected user account.
  • If the user has lost/deleted their authenticator app, their account can be reset by selecting the "Reset" box adjacent to "Authenticator App" option. When reset, the next time the user logs in, they'll be prompted to setup their authenticator app again.

You can also enable/disable 2FA for all user accounts via the Security Settings page

Changing/Resetting a User's password

  • Users can change their own password at any time using the [Change Password] link at the top of the screen when logged in.
  • Administrators can also change/reset a user's password for them (via MIDAS Admin Options → Manage Users & Permissions → [select user]), by entering a new password for the user (or selecting the "Random" button to generate a random password), and then clicking / tapping "Save Changes".

Tip: After entering a new password for the user, before proceeding to "Save Changes", tick the "Auto send User their Login details via email" option to have MIDAS send the new password to the user via email

Forcing a User to change their password at next Login

  • Select the user who you wish to force to change their password upon their next login from the left-hand list of current users.
  • The selected user's details and permissions will be displayed to the right.
  • Select the "User must change their password on next login" option, without altering any other settings, then select "Save Changes".
  • The user will then be prompted to change their password the next time they log in to MIDAS.

Re-showing the Quick Tour at user's next Login

The Quick Tour provides a brief overview of the user interface when each user logs in for the first time. If the user has chosen to suppress the Quick Tour, an administrator can re-enable it on their account.
  • Select the user who you wish to the Quick Tour option to again from the left-hand list of current users.
  • The selected user's details and permissions will be displayed to the right.
  • Select the "Show Quick Tour upon user's next login?" option, then select "Save Changes".
  • The user will be invited to undertake a quick tour of the user interface the next time they log in.

Users on unstable connections

As part of MIDAS' pro-active approach to security, if MIDAS detects that a user's IP address changes whilst they're logged in, they will be automatically logged out of the system and will have to re login. If the user is on an unstable internet connection and are being frequently logged out due to a fluctuating IP address, you can relax this security measure for their user account.
  • Select the user who is being frequently logged out due to a changing IP address from the left-hand list of current users.
  • The selected user's details and permissions will be displayed to the right.
  • Select the "User is on an unstable connection" option, then select "Save Changes".
  • The user will no longer be automatically logged out if their IP address changes.
We only recommend setting the above option temporarily, and only for frequently logged-out users for the duration that their IP address is fluctuating.

Suspending/Unlocking a user account

  • Tick the "Account is suspended" to prevent the user from logging in.
  • Untick the "Account is suspended" to allow the user to log in.
  • Note: Individual accounts will be automatically suspended if the "Max Failed Login Attempts" setting has been reached for that account. If this happens, the user account will remain suspended until either you untick the "Account is suspended" option for that user, or the user restores access to their account themselves (an activation email will be sent to the email address associated with their account if their account exceeds the "Max Failed Login Attempts" setting)

User Groups

"User Groups" allow you to define a set of permissions that can then be easily applied to individual user accounts. This saves you from having to manually define each permission for each user at a time. Instead, the "Apply Permissions from Group" drop-down list on the "Users" tab will allow you to quickly update the selected user's permissions with the permissions assigned to a particular user group.

In addition, if you have enabled Single Sign-On (Active Directory) authentication for your MIDAS, User Groups are used to determine the permissions assigned to each user who authenticates via your Active Directory.

In such instances, MIDAS user permissions will be assigned from a MIDAS User Group with the same corresponding name as the user's "Primary Group" name in your Active Directory.

For more information, please refer to the separate Active Directory Integration documentation.

List of Available User and Group Permissions

The following user permissions can be set on a "per user" or user group basis:

Can Change PasswordAllow/Deny the user the ability to change their password at any time
Note: This option is not applicable to "Group" permissions, and has no affect if you have enabled Single Sign-On (Active Directory) authentication
Can Make BookingsAllow/Deny the user the ability to add new bookings to MIDAS. Available options are:
No - User cannot add any bookings
Yes (For any client) - User can add new bookings for any client
Yes (For self only) - User can add new bookings for themselves (as the client) only
Requests Only (For all clients) - User can only make booking requests for any client (bookings which must first be approved by a MIDAS user with "Can Process Booking Requests" permission)
Requests Only (For self only) - User can only make booking requests for themselves (as the client) only (bookings which must first be approved by a MIDAS user with "Can Process Booking Requests" permission)
Can Make Historical BookingsAllow/Deny the user the ability to add bookings for dates earlier than the current date (i.e. in the past) - useful for maintaining accurate booking records.
Can Book Outside Operating HoursAllow/Deny the user the ability to make bookings which fall outside the normal "Operating Hours" of each venue.
Can Bypass Venue BlocksAllow/Deny the user the ability to book even if a venue is blocked due to venue blocking rules in effect.
Can Modify BookingsControls how the user can modify bookings. Options are:
No - User cannot modify any bookings
Own Bookings - User can only modify bookings they originally entered
All Bookings - User can modify any booking
Can Delete BookingsControls how the user can remove bookings. Options are:
No - User cannot remove any bookings
Own Bookings - User can only remove bookings they originally entered
All Bookings - User can remove any booking
Can Add ClientsAllow/Deny the user the ability to add new clients to MIDAS
Can Modify ClientsAllow/Deny the user the ability to modify existing clients in MIDAS
Can Delete ClientsAllow/Deny the user the ability to remove existing clients from MIDAS
Can Email ClientsAllow/Deny the user the ability to directly email clients from within MIDAS
Can View Client InfoControls the level of client information displayed to the user. Options are:
No - User cannot see who has made a booking, only that a venue is "Unavailable"
Client/Org Only - User can only see client's names & organizations
Full Info - User can view all client contact info (addresses, phone, etc)
Own Bookings - User will only see booking and client information for their own bookings. Other user's booking's will simply display in the booking grid as "Unavailable" time slots
Can Print (Bookings)Allow/Deny the user the ability to print booking data
Can Print (Emergency Evacuation Data)Allow/Deny the user the ability to instantly print out ongoing bookings at that point in time (Useful in the event of an Emergency, so you can instantly see who is on-site and where)
Can use InvoicingAllow/Deny the user the ability access to MIDAS's Invoicing features. Options are:
No - User has no access to any of the invoicing features
Yes - User has full access to all of the invoicing features
Limited - User may create/generate invoices, but may only view/modify/delete invoices which they created/generated (i.e. they will not have access to invoices added by other users)
View Only - User may view all invoices, but will have no access to print, email, modify, delete, generate or create invoices (i.e. read only access)
Can process Booking RequestsAllow/Deny the user access to "Pending Booking Requests" to approve/reject incoming booking requests.
Remember: You'll also need to assign the user to be a "Manager" of the specific venue(s) you wish them to be able to process booking requests for
Can use Notification CenterAllow/Deny the user use of the "Notification Center" feature
Can SearchAllow/Deny the user access to the Search facility
Can make Day NotesAllow/Deny the user the ability to attach notes/reminders, viewable by all users, to specific dates. To edit notes; use the main calendar to navigate to the date you wish to add notes to, then click / tap the full date (just above the "Logged in as" line)
Can use Activity trackingAllow/Deny the user use of the "Big Brother" feature - a log of recent activity by MIDAS users
Can use StatisticsAllow/Deny the user to view Statistics and reports about bookings, clients, venues, invoices, resources, and users
Can Restore BookingsAllow/Deny the user the ability to restore recently deleted bookings
Can Manage Booking TypesAllow/Deny the user the ability to add/modify/remove Booking Types
Can Manage ResourcesAllow/Deny the user the ability to add/remove common Resources
Can Manage VenuesAllow/Deny the user the ability to add/modify/remove/group Venues
Can Manage UsersAllow/Deny the user the ability to add/remove users & set user permissions
Can Import / ExportControls whether the user can import data into or export from MIDAS. Options are:
No - User can neither import nor export data
Import Only - User can import data but cannot export data
Export Only - User can export data but cannot import data
Yes - User can both import data into and export data from MIDAS
Can Manage MIDASAllow/Deny the user the ability to manage key MIDAS settings
Can Manage AddonsAllow/Deny the user access to settings for optional addons. For more information on available addons for MIDAS, please see
Is InvisibleControls the level of logging of a user's MIDAS activity. Options are:
No - All user's activity is logged by MIDAS (accessible via "Recent Activity")
Login/Outs Invisible - All user's activity except their logins and outs is recorded
Full Invisibility - Nothing the user does is recorded in the Recent Activity log
Maximum bookings allowedAllows you to limit the total number of bookings the user can add to any individual calendar date, week, month, or year. Leave blank for no limit
Maximum booking lengthAllows you to limit the maximum length/duration (in minutes) the user can make any single booking for. Leave blank for no limit
View AccessControls which "groups" of venues the user has access to. This can be used to restrict which venues a user has access to and "hide" venues from users. Users will only be able to filter their booking grids by the venue groups for which they have been granted access
You can quickly toggle the currently selected groups by clicking / tapping on the "View Access" words
Day Starts At X and runs for Y hoursBy default, a day starts at Midnight and runs for 24 hours. If your operations are only 9am - 5pm, for example, you can to restrict MIDAS to only show and allow access to this portion of the day. Alternatively, if you run a nighttime entertainment venue, with operating hours from 7pm - 3am, setting the "Day starts at" to "19:00" and the "and runs for" setting to "8" hours will then restrict MIDAS to those times
Note: If you restrict a user's hours in this way, the user will only be able to view those hours in the booking grid - they will no longer have access to the multiple day view
Times ListIf "Time Lists" have been set up in your MIDAS, this field will allow you to assign a "Time List" to this user, that is, the list of time periods/durations they will be allowed to select from when making bookings. If set to "None", the user will be presented with standard Start/Finish time selectors

For security, the primary/initial MIDAS user will always have access to manage users and MIDAS and cannot be deleted

Single Sign-On (SSO)

If present, the Single Sign-On (SSO) tab of the "Manage Users & Permissions" screen allows you to enable and configure integration with an Active Directory, allowing users to seamlessly login to MIDAS without having to enter credentials each time.

IMPORTANT: Single Sign-On (SSO) Active Directory support is only available if your MIDAS is "self hosted" AND licensed for "Unlimited" users

For more information, please refer to the separate Active Directory Integration documentation.

MIDAS » Documentation » Manage Users And Permissions