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MIDAS Documentation v4.38

Check For Updates

The "Check for Updates" button (MIDAS Admin Options → Manage MIDAS → Update) will check to see if there is a newer version of MIDAS available to you.

You can also set MIDAS to automatically check for available updates on a recurring schedule. This background automatic update check will only take place for those users with the user "Can Manage MIDAS" user permission, and if an update is detected, will prompt the user to confirm the update.

The "Update Channel" selector can be used to determine whether you receive "elease" updates or "Beta" updates. The default update channel is the "elease" channel. "Beta" updates may be unstable and are not recommended for live/production systems.

The "Update" option is not present if your MIDAS is "cloud hosted" by us, as your MIDAS system will be kept up-to-date automatically!

See Also: Latest Changelog
MIDAS » Documentation » Check For Updates