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MIDAS Documentation v4.38

Manage Resources

The "Manage Resources" screen (accessed via MIDAS Admin Options → Manage Resources) allows you to define an inventory of resources that may be assigned to your bookings.

By default, resources may be assigned to one of three "base" categories; Equipment, Consumables, and Staffing. The differences between each base category are outlined below:


Resources categorized as "Equipment" are those which are charged per booking, irrespective of the length of a booking. For example, a Flip Chart may be added to this section, as its charge would be the same for 30mins or 2hours. The "Quantity Available" allows you to define how many flip charts are available site-wide at any one time. So, if you own 5 flip charts, set the "Quantity Available" to 5. MIDAS will then not allow more than 5 flip charts to be in-use at the same time.


Resources categorized as "Consumables" are those which would only be used one-time, and cannot be reused. For example, paper for a flip chart could be classed as a consumable. The "Quantity Available" figure is very fluid in this category. For example, you may have bulk purchased 100 flip chart paper pads, so you would set the "Quantity Available" to 100. However, unlike the other categories, whenever a quantity of a consumable is added to a booking, the remaining "Quantity Available" of that resource decreases by the same amount. i.e. once all 100 flip chart pads have been used, they will no longer be able to be added to bookings, until your stocks are replenished, and the "Quantity Available" updated accordingly. Consumables, like Equipment, are charged per booking.


Staffing is a section to list human resources you have available to clients. These are charged per hour when added to bookings. For example, you may have 3 AV Technician's on staff, with an hourly rate of $40. Adding these details to the Staffing section of resources will allow your staff to be allocated to bookings and the client charged accordingly.

Adding a New Resource

Click / tap the "Add" button underneath the list of existing resources. You will then be prompted to enter the name of your new resource and the quantity you have available at any one time. You can also set the associated charge (exclusive of tax) for use of this resource by a client, and the percentage rate of tax to be applied to the charge. Before clicking / tapping the "Add" button to add your new resource, check that you've categorized the resource (see above).

Additionally, if the Resource field has been enabled for your Public screens, you'll then be able to tick the "Public" box for each resource you wish to appear on these screens.

See Also: Manage Fields

By default, resources that you add will be available across all of your venues. To make a resource venue-specific, so that it can only be assigned to certain venues, untick the Limit To "All Venues" box. When unticked, a list of your venues will be displayed allowing you to select one or more venues that your resource will be available to.

Modifying an Existing Resource

Click / tap the small icon alongside the existing resource you wish to modify, make your changes, and click / tap the "Modify" button.

Removing a Resource

Click / tap the small icon alongside the resource you wish to remove from MIDAS.

Warning: Removing a resource will also remove it from any existing bookings

Adding a Custom Resource Category

In addition to the three standard "Equipment", "Consumables", and "Staffing" categories, you can also create additional custom resource categories.

To add a custom resource category, switch to the "Categories" tab on the Manage Resources screen, and select the "New Category" button in the upper right corner.

Proceed to enter the display name of your new custom category, and select which of the three "base" categories you wish resources assigned to this custom category to act like. Refer to the descriptions above if you're unsure of the differences in behavior between each of the three base categories.

Click "Add" to add your custom resource category to the system.

You'll then be able to add new resources/modify existing resources and assign them to your new custom resource category.

Modifying a Custom Resource Category

To modify the name or base category of a custom resource category, switch to the "Categories" tab on the Manage Resources screen, and click / tap the small icon alongside the existing custom resource category you wish to modify. Proceed to make your changes, and then click / tap "Modify" when done.

Removing a Custom Resource Category

To remove a custom resource category, switch to the "Categories" tab on the Manage Resources screen, and click / tap the small icon alongside the custom resource category you wish to remove from MIDAS. After confirmation, the custom category will be removed and any resources that were previously assigned to that category will be automatically reassigned to the base category of the removed custom category.
MIDAS » Documentation » Manage Resources