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MIDAS Documentation v4.38


MIDAS can automatically generate a range of graphical statistics and reports on-demand to enable you to analyze and monitor your bookings and facility usage.

These statistical reports can be accessed via the icon in the main toolbar.

From this screen, you'll be able to generate reports into your Bookings, Clients, Invoices, Resources, Venues, Users, and MIDAS system.

Each of these reports may be printed via the icon in the main toolbar when viewing a report.

When viewing a report, a button may be present in the top-right corner of the window. Clicking / tapping this button will show additional report filters for the currently viewed report.

When viewing a report, a button may also be present (depending upon your user privileges) allowing report data to be exported to Excel (2007+).

The following sets of statistics and reports are available:


Displays statistics over a selectable date range for bookings taking place, added, and modified. These statistics can be further filtered by Booking Type.


Displays statistics including; Total clients/organizations in MIDAS, Newest client, Top 10 clients, and Organization popularity. Individual client statistics can also be viewed indicating dates the client was added, when their previous, next, first and last bookings are, the total and average length of their bookings, and the number of invoices for the client.


Displays a breakdown of clients, organizations, or booking types invoiced between a selected date range. Statistics also show percentage breakdowns of the total amount invoiced during the selected period, as well as breakdowns of the amount of income received and still outstanding. The Uninvoiced Bookings report indicates the number of bookings for clients, organizations, or booking types during the selected date range for which invoices haven't yet been created.


Provides details of resource popularity, and potential income from those resources across a date range. Also provides details on most watched resources, and total resources in MIDAS.


Displays global statistics for venue capacities, venue usage, venue utilization, venue availability and potential income over a selectable date range. Venue statistics may be filtered by individual venue as well as booking type.


Displays MIDAS usage statistics including; User activity, Total users, Newest user, and currently logged-in users.


Displays statistics including; Current MIDAS version, Build Date, Change log, and Diagnostics.
MIDAS » Documentation » Statistics