Activate Your FEE 30-day MIDAS Trial

30 Day no-risk FEE Trial of MIDASWe offer a completely free, no-obligation, 30-day trial of our MIDAS room booking system!

Your cloud hosted trial will allow you to explore the features of our room scheduling and resource booking software beyond the limitations of our public demo, and help determine our software's suitability for your particular scheduling needs.

  • No credit card or payment details are required!
  • There is no obligation to buy!
  • You will not be automatically billed at the end of your trial!
Sounds good? Simply provide us with a few simple details below about you and your organization.
We'll then send you an activation link, and your FEE trial can be up and running in minutes!

To start your FEE MIDAS trial, we first need some really basic info...

Your Name:
The name of your organization / business:
Your organization's website (domain):
Your workplace Email address:
A trial activation link will be sent to this address
Are you human?
Please enter the code you see in the image:
oom Booking System Free Trial

Terms & Conditions