MIDAS Knowledge Base


Popular Sales Articles

  1. Why is my card declined when making a payment for MIDAS?
  2. Will my subscription renewal price be the same every month / year?
  3. What payment methods are available to purchase MIDAS?
  4. "Cloud Hosted" vs "Self Hosted" MIDAS booking system comparison
  5. Which web browsers does MIDAS support?
  6. Which web browsers are supported on my iPad?
  7. MIDAS Addon: Microsoft Teams Integration
  8. Server Requirements for a Self-Hosted MIDAS booking system
  9. Is there a MIDAS mobile app available for my smartphone?
  10. Is MIDAS only for room booking, or does it have other applications?

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Popular Support Articles

  1. How to install & configure Strawberry Perl on Windows
  2. How to install & configure MariaDB on Windows
  3. How to install & configure Apache on Windows
  4. How to install & configure MySQL on Windows
  5. How to enable, disable, or clear your browser's "Web Storage" cache
  6. Two-Factor Authentication in MIDAS
  7. How to install & configure ActivePerl on Windows
  8. Fix "Authentication plugin 'caching_sha2_password' cannot be loaded"
  9. How to enable IIS on Windows
  10. How to enable detailed IIS errors

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