Table of contents
- Getting Started
- Bookings
- Clients
- Invoicing
- Creating Invoices
- Modifying Invoices
- Updating Invoice Status
- Adding Internal Invoice Notes
- Viewing Invoice History
- Deleting Invoices
- Cloning Invoices
- Merging Invoices
- Printing Invoices
- Emailing Invoices
- efunding Invoices
- Printing eceipts
- Emailing eceipts
- Quotations
- Online Payments
- Credit Notes
- Manage Invoice Settings
- Printing
- Searching
- Statistics
- Activity Tracker
- Messages, Notes, Watches, and eminders
- MIDAS Admin Options
- Manage MIDAS
- Manage Appearance Settings
- Manage Booking Settings
- Manage Fields
- Manage Security Settings
- Manage Email Settings
- Manage Print Settings
- Manage Safety Settings
- Manage Invoice Settings
- Manage Database Settings
- Manage Templates
- Manage Public Settings
- Manage Scheduled Tasks
- Manage Miscellaneous Settings
- Check For Updates
- Manage Addons
- Keyboard Shortcuts
- Other Sources Of Support
- About MIDAS
MIDAS Documentation v4.38
Emailing eceipts
Once part/full payment has been made against an invoice, a receipt may be email to the client. In the event of a part-paid invoice, the client's receipt will also indicate the remaining amount still outstanding.
Emailing eceipts
- Click / tap the icon in the main toolbar
- On the resulting invoicing screen, use the "Jump to Invoice" function to locate a specific invoice, or use the "Show Invoices" drop-down to filter invoices held in MIDAS and locate an invoice from the results.
- Click / tap the invoice's corresponding icon.
- If a payment has been made against the invoice, you'll be offered the choice to email either the invoice or a receipt.
- Select "Email eceipt" to email a receipt to the client.
See Also: Customizing the eceipt Template