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MIDAS Documentation v4.37

Floorplan And Map Editor

By default, when you make a booking in MIDAS, you'll select a room / bookable space from a list of "venues".

The Floorplan / Map feature allows users to instead select rooms / bookable spaces on a visual "map" or floorplan of your facilities.

Enable booking from floorplans / maps

To enable visual booking from floorplans / maps instead of a textural list of venues, click the icon in the MIDAS toolbar, and select "Manage MIDAS". On the resulting screen, select the "Bookings" tab, enable the "Floorplans / Maps" option, and select "Save Changes".

To disable visual booking from floorplans / maps, untick the "Use Floorplans / Maps" option and save changes.

Upload a new floorplan / map

Each venue "group" in MIDAS can have a floorplan / map associated with it.

You will need to setup a venue group, and assign venues to it before you can use a floorplan / map.

Your floorplan / map should be a PNG image file and contain all venues within your venue "group".

For example, you may have created a "First Floor" venue group in MIDAS and assigned all rooms located on your first floor to this group. The associated floorplan / map schematic should indicate all the rooms located on your first floor.

To upload your PNG floorplan / map:

  1. Click the icon in the MIDAS toolbar, and select "Manage Venues"
  2. On the resulting screen, select the "Groups" tab, and select an existing venue group that you wish to upload a floorplan / map for.
  3. Click the "Map" button, and the Map Editor will open.
  4. In the Map Editor, click the "Upload New Map" button. You'll then be prompted to upload a .png image file.

Mapping areas in your floorplan / map to venues

Once you've uploaded a floorplan / map to a venue group in MIDAS, you'll then need to define "areas" on your image and associate these with venues in the group.

  1. In the Map Editor, all venues in the current venue group are listed on the right.
  2. Click the icon next to the venue you wish to define an area for on your floorplan / map.
  3. The "Shape Tool" selector will then open, allowing you to select whether you wish to create a rectangle, polygon, or circle area on your floorplan / map.
  4. For square or rectangular rooms, select "Rectangle", then:
    • Click on one corner of the room on your floorplan / map (i.e. the upper left corner of the room)
    • Click on the opposite corner of the room on your floorplan / map. (i.e. the lower right corner of the room)
  5. For irregular shaped rooms, select "Polygon", then:
    • Click on each point in room on your floorplan / map where the perimeter walls change direction.
    • Once you've done this around the room's entire perimeter, click "Done".
  6. For circular rooms, select "Circle", then:
    • Click on the center of the room on your floorplan / map.
    • Click on a point on the perimeter of the room on your floorplan / map.
  7. Once you've defined an area on your floorplan / map, a icon will be shown next to the name of the venue.
  8. If you make a mistake, you can clear an area by tapping the icon next to the name of the venue. The icon will change to , and tapping this will remove that area from the map and allow you to recreate a new area.
  9. Repeat steps 2 - 8 for all other venues in your venue group.
  10. Click "Save Map" to save changes.
MIDAS » Documentation » Floorplan And Map Editor