MIDAS API Addon MIDAS API: Release Notes

26th March 2024· New: "get_venue_groups"
· Improved: Code optimization
· Fixed: Does Not Contain and Begins/Ends with advanced filtering may fail when case sensitivity is enforced
22nd June 2023· Improved: Short caching of some responses
4th January 2023· Change: Returned "max_bookings_per_date" parameter from "get_user" call replaced with "max_bookings" and "max_bookings_per" parameters
· Fixed: "get_user" call returned invalid JSON
8th December 2022· Improved: "get_client" call now returns custom client fields
· Improved: Error handling in "util_api_usage" when no logging table exists in database
· Update: Compatibility for MIDAS v4.32
18th May 2022· Fixed: MySQL compatibility
30th March 2022· New: "mod_venue" call
14th February 2022· Update: Compatibility with MIDAS v4.30
17th December 2021· Update: Compatibility with MIDAS v4.29
· Improved: Perl taint mode compatibility
25th August 2021· New: API usage monitoring
· New: "util_api_usage" call
· New: API usage log retention setting
· Improved: API logging
18th August 2021· Improved: "attendees", "invoice", and "notes" can now all be used with the "filter_field" parameter of the "get_bookings" call
· Improved: API logging
· Fixed: "filter_field" parameter of "get_bookings" not recognizing all custom fields
· Fixed: "filter_string" parameter of "get_bookings" couldn't be empty if "filter_field" parameter was passed
24th July 2021· Fixed: "get_client" call may fail when two or more parameters are passes, and "match" parameter is set to "exact"
· Fixed: "mod_client" call may fail when setting a new organization name
8th July 2021· New: "get_booking_types" call
· New: "get_booking_type" call
· New: Optional "style" parameter added to "email_client" call
· New: Optional "receipt" parameter added to "email_client" call
· New: API can now (optionally) return different http status codes depending upon result
· New: "Force HTTP Status 200 for all responses" option (default)
· Fixed: "email_client" call with "invoice" parameter set, not correctly sending emails
· Fixed: Watch notifications not being sent if API not running under a specific user account
29th June 2021· Fixed: Sever error when calling "gen_invoice" if itemized invoice notes disabled
25th June 2021· Fixed: "gen_invoice" call resets invoice counter
· Fixed: "booking" parameter of "gen_invoice" call not being recognized
· Fixed: Unable to generate invoices via gen_invoice call if no invoicing terms defined
22nd June 2021· Fixed: Unable to initially apply an API key
7th April 2021· New: Ability to cancel and generate a new API key
· Change: The return variable "requestable" has been renamed to "public" in the responses of "get_resource" and "get_venue" calls
· Improved: "get_users_logged_in" response now includes details of the user's browser
· Improved: "add_resource" and "mod_resource" calls now allow assigning resources to custom categories
· Fixed: "add_resource" call returned "Unable to add resource"
· Fixed: "mod_resource" call returned "Unable to modify resource" in some instances
· Fixed: "get_resource" call not correctly returning public flag
· Fixed: Server error when calling "get_consumable_levels"
25th March 2021· Fixed: Watch notifications may not correctly trigger in some instances
17th March 2021· Fixed: MariaDB compatibility
23rd February 2021· Fixed: "get_venues_in_use" returning an error
4th July 2020· Update: Compatibility for MIDAS v4.25
· Improved: "tax_x", "credit", "internal_notes", "paid", "refunded", "term" and "type" parameters added to "add_invoice" call
· Improved: "type" parameter added to "get_invoices" call
· Improved: "credit", "internal_notes", and "refunded" parameters added to "mod_invoice" call
· Improved: "add_resource" call now accept optional "tax" parameter to set item's tax rate
· Improved: "get_resource" call now returns "tax" parameter
· Improved: "get_venue" call now returns "tax" parameter
· Improved: "add_invoice" call now accepts optional "type" parameter to allow creation of deposit/cancellation invoices as well as regular invoices
· Change: "discount" and "tax" parameters removed from "add_invoice" call
· Change: "discount" parameter removed from "get_invoice" call
· Change: "tax_amount" and "tax_rate" parameters are now returned per-item following a "get_invoice" call
· Fixed: Not possible to mod_invoice in some instances (i.e. if internal notes added to unsent invoice)
· Fixed: "charge" parameter not being correctly saved when calling "add_resource"
22nd October 2019· Update: Compatibility for MIDAS v4.23
· Fixed: filter_field/filter_string parameters of "get_bookings" call may return "filter field not found" in some instances
13th May 2019· Update: Compatibility for MIDAS v4.22
8th May 2019· Fixed: Unable to save settings in some instances
· Fixed: After saving settings, Save Settings button may not display anything
10th April 2019· Fixed: "del_invoice" call didn't remove deleted invoice reference from existing bookings
2nd March 2019· Fixed: "closed_between" parameter of "get_venue" call may return invalid JSON in the event no "closed between" times set for selected venue.
29th January 2019· · New: Optional "unsent" parameter added to "get_invoices" call to limit returned invoices to those which are unsent
· Update: Compatibility for MIDAS v4.21
18th December 2018· Fixed: Support for Perl 5.26+
15th November 2018· · New: "runas" parameter - similar to existing "logas" parameter, but enforces specified user's permissions when making API calls. (If both "logas" and "runas" are supplied, "runas" will override "logas")
· Improved: "authenticate_user" call now accepts optional "include_locked" parameter to allow authenticating even if user account is locked/suspended
· Improved: "authenticate_user" call now accepts optional "bypass_fail_count" parameter to allow bypassing of failed login count checking/incrementing
27th September 2018· Update: Icon compatibility for MIDAS v4.20
· Improved: "get_bookings" call can now accept "modified_since" and "modified_before" parameters to restrict results to those bookings modified before/since a given date and time
· Improved: "get_bookings" call can now filter by custom field (new "filter_field", "filter_string", "filter_type", and "filter_casesensitive" parameters)
16th June 2018· Improved: Error response distinguishes between missing and invalid API key
· Experimental: Ability to explicitly specify base directory when calling via command line (via "path" parameter)
25th April 2018· Updated: MIDAS v4.19 compatibility
· Fixed: new_start/new_end parameters of mod_booking call always defaulted to epoch times, even if epoch flag wasn't explicitly set
· Fixed: Encoding issue with history concatenations
23rd March 2018· New: "get_users_logged_in" call
· Optimization: Code cleanup
30th November 2017· Updated: MIDAS v4.17 compatibility
· Fixed: Rounding on some systems
28th September 2017· Fixed: Path issues when called via command line
20th September 2017· Fixed: Simultaneous multiple add/modify booking queries on slow servers may not correctly detect conflicts
· Fixed: Encoding issues in booking history
· Fixed: API logging may not correctly log timestamps for some API calls
28th August 2017· Fixed: "get_resource" returned category in place of qty
12th August 2017· New: Command line support
· New: Optional JSONP support
· Updated: MIDAS v4.16 compatibility
15th April 2017· Change: "get_venues" call now sorts venues in the order they're currently arranged in within MIDAS (rather than in the order they were added to MIDAS)
· Updated: MIDAS v4.15 compatibility
· Improved: API now returns 401 Unauthorized http status code when invalid API key specified
· Improved: API logging now also includes more readable timestamps
· Improved: API logging now indicates http request method
· Improved: API logging now indicates size of JSON data response
· Fixed: Tabs not correctly escaped in JSON responses
· Fixed: Timestamps may not correctly reflect timezone setting
· Fixed: "del_booking" and "del_bookings" API calls made without the "force" parameter set may allow bookings to be deleted multiple times
· Fixed: "del_booking" and "del_bookings" API calls made without the "force" parameter may not correctly update the booking's history record
9th March 2017· Fixed: "get_availability" call may return "unknown venue" error
8th March 2017· Fixed: "del_booking" and "del_bookings" calls may not correct log to Recent Activity
2nd November 2016· Update for MIDAS v4.14 compatibility
· Fixed: "get_availability" wouldn't check dates in the past
25th July 2016· Added: "get_venues" call to retrieve all venue IDs/names
· Improved: "get_bookings" call can now also accept a venue ID (or comma separated list of venue ID's) instead of a venue names for the "venue" parameter
· Improved: "get_bookings" call now also returns internal venue ID in "venue_id" parameter
· Improved: "get_venue" call now also returns internal venue ID in "id" parameter
· Improved: "get_venue" call now also accept a venue ID instead of a venue names for the "venue" parameter
· Improved: Handling of database connection errors
12th July 2016· Added: Support for client credit & invoice discounts
· Improved: Validation of API Key
24th February 2016· Improved: Character set for responses now implicitly set to UTF-8
10th February 2016· Added: "authenticate_user" call
· Added: Support for actioning API calls under individual user accounts
28th January 2016· Update for MIDAS v4.11 compatibility
· Added: Support for passing API key via an X-API-KEY HTTP header
· Improved: "get_user" call now returns "max_booking_length" and "max_bookings_per_date" permissions
· Improved: The API will now automatically reject non-GET/POST http methods
18th August 2015· Update for MIDAS v4.10 compatibility
13th July 2015· Improved: "get_bookings" call can now be restricted to an individual client
· Change: "get_client" call now returns "id" in place of "client_id"
22nd May 2015· Added: "get_resource" call
· Improved: "get_venue" call now returns blocks and alternatives
· Improved: Logging when calls fail/error produced
28th February 2015· Fixed: Some JSON responses don't correctly validate
10th February 2015· Fixed: Some settings not being correctly loaded if API run in isolation (without a concurrent login)
9th February 2015· Fixed: New line characters not being correctly escaped in some API responses
1st February 2015· Fixed: Quotation marks not being correctly escaped in some API responses
19th January 2015· Fixed: If multiple databases are in use, it may not be possible to access the Manage Addons screen from additional databases
2nd January 2015· Fixed: Multi-database support
1st September 2014The API now allows bi-directional communication with MIDAS - meaning you can now add/set/change data as well as reading it.
The following new API calls have been implemented:
20th March 2014· Added: "member_of" to the list of returned values for the "get_venue" call
· Change: Format of "rates" information returned by "get_venue" call · Update for MIDAS v4.06
· Fixed: "closed_from"/"closed_to" values from "get_venue" call may return 1/1/1970
18th February 2014· Added: Support for multiple databases
7th October 2013· Added: "get_venues_in_use" call
1st June 2013· Initial release of the MIDAS API Access Addon (for MIDAS v4.03+)