How to fix an "Unable to connect to database: Access Denied" error
This error is generated by your MySQL/MariaDB database server, rather than by your MIDAS room scheduling system.There are a number of potential causes for this error:
1) If you've recently made changes on your MySQL/MariaDB server to the MySQL user account that your MIDAS scheduling system uses to connect to the database server (i.e. if the password for the MySQL/MariaDB user account has been changed)
Solution: Please use our online Self Service tool to update your MIDAS settings with your new database credentials.
2) If the web server where your MIDAS scheduling system resides and the database server it uses reside on physically separate hardware and you've recently made network/firewall changes.
Solution: You'll need to ensure that the server where your MIDAS scheduling system resides can connect to your database server (typically on Port 3306), and that your database server (and its associated user account) is configured to accept external connections from the web server where your MIDAS booking system resides.
If you need to make changes to the database configuration that your MIDAS system uses, please use our online Self Service tool to update your MIDAS settings with your new database server details.
If your database server continues to deny access from the web server that your MIDAS system runs from, you may need to issue the following commands on your database server: "FLUSH PRIVILEGES;FLUSH HOSTS;
", or alternatively restart the database server.
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