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April 22, 2024
The powerful “Watch Notification” features of MIDAS allow users to configure automatic notifications whenever certain activity occurs within their MIDAS.
Examples uses of Watch Notifications include:
Staff members could be notified whenever they’re added to a booking
Catering staff could receive notifications whenever refreshments are added to bookings
A purchasing department could receive notifications when consumables are running low and need re-ordering
A user could be notified should an unavailable venue/time slot becomes available again
For MIDAS v4.36 we’ve added an additional Watch notification option. This provides the ability for a user to be notified whenever a payment is made against a MIDAS generated invoice.
New Invoice Payment Watch Notification
Now, MIDAS can automatically update invoices in its system when payments are made against them, however this new notification option allows a user to be notified whenever such updates occur.
The “Invoice Payment” Watch notification option is available to users who have been granted invoicing permissions within their MIDAS system.
When enabled, a new Watch Notification is generated for the user whenever an invoice has been paid in full, or when a partial payment is received against an invoice.
Notifications each have their own expiration time, after which they are automatically removed from a user’s Notification Center. Users could also manually remove a notification at any time.
For MIDAS v4.29 we’re also giving users the option to mark notifications as having been “read”.
Read notifications will still be present in the user’s Notification Center until they expire or are manually removed. However, unread notifications will be highlighted, whereas read notifications won’t be.
Also, if the user has opted to be shown their notifications each time they log in, this popup will now only show them their unread notifications. So the new “mark as read” option will help keep clutter to a minimum. It will only show notifications the user hasn’t yet seen and acknowledged on the notification pop-up after login.
Users will of course still be able to see all their notifications – both read and unread – via the Notification Center icon.
In MIDAS v4.28, we’ve introduced a new “Notification Center“. In earlier versions of MIDAS, this functionality could be found within the “My Messages” screen.
As part of the new “Notification Center”, we’ve added a brand new type of “Watch” notification. “Watch” notifications allow you to be automatically notified whenever certain activity occurs within your MIDAS booking system.
For example, you may wish to be notified whenever a new booking is added to a particular venue, or when a particular type of booking is modified. You may also wish to be notified whenever certain “consumable” resources are running low.
From MIDAS v4.28 you can now create Watches for “Venue Availability”.
New Venue Availability Watch option in MIDAS v4.28
We know it can be frustrating when you go to book a room and find that it’s already been booked.
Well, wouldn’t it be great if MIDAS could automatically notify you should that timeslot become available again?
That’s exactly what Venue Availability watches allow you to do!
Simply select a currently occupied date, room, and time slot, add a new Watch, and MIDAS does the rest!
Should the unavailable time slot become available again (for instance, if the existing booking is moved or deleted), MIDAS will automatically notify you.
For MIDAS v4.28 we’ve overhauled the “My Messages” screen, and renamed it to the “Notification Center”.
All the previous functionality of “My Messages” has been retained, but we’ve given the screen itself a bit of a “facelift” to de-clutter and simplify things.
We’ve even introduced a new “Watch” option… but more on that later.
For users with the “Can use Notification Center” permission, their Notification Center may be accessed via the new “bell” icon in the MIDAS toolbar.
Here’s how the new Notification Center itself looks:
The new “Notification Center” (formally “My Messages”) in MIDAS
The Notification Center comprises three components:
The numbers in the upper right corner of these component’s icons denoted the number of notifications currently in each section. Clicking the corresponding icon toggles the display of notifications for that particular section.
In the lower right corner of each icon, there’s a smaller icon that allows you to add/configure each section.
The “Messages” section displays internal messages you’ve received from other users in your MIDAS system. The “+” icon allows you to leave a message for another user:
Leave a message for another user
For more information on messaging another user, please see the Help Documentation.
The “Reminders” section displays both booking and custom reminders you’ve set. To set a new booking reminder, simply select a booking in the Booking Grid, and then “Add Reminder”. To set a custom reminder, click the “+” icon near the bottom right of the “Reminders” icon in your Notification Center:
The “Watches” section displays watch notifications. These are generated when certain activity that you specify occurs within your MIDAS system. The “cog” icon adjacent to the “Watches” icon is used to configure your Watch notifications.
Configure “Watch” notifications
There are three types of Watch notification available:
Venue Availability
“Bookings” allows you to monitor and be alerted to new activity in certain venues, and/or for certain booking types, and/or for certain resources.
“Consumables” allows you to monitor levels of your consumable resources.
“Venue Availability” allows you to be alerted if and when a currently unavailable time slot for a given venue becomes available again. This is a brand new feature introduced for v4.28, which you can read more about in this post.
For more information on Watch notifications, please see the Help Documentation.
Notification Center Settings
You can adjust your Notification Center settings from within the Notification Center via the “cog” icon in the upper right corner.
Notification Center Settings
These settings allow you to control how and when you receive notifications from your Notification Center.