How To Set A Custom Reminder

This video tutorial covers how to set yourself custom reminders.

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Tutorial Video Transcript

Hello and welcome to MIDAS tutorials.

In this tutorial I'm going to show how you can set yourself custom reminders.

Now, we do this by going to the "My Messages" icon, and then selecting this little pin icon in the "My Reminders" section.

We can then enter our reminder.

So "Don't forget to chase up invoice with client".

We can set an expiry date and time for our reminder, and then we simply click "Add reminder", and there you'll see is our reminder.

And that will be shown whenever we log in so if we log out, and log back in again - there you'll see is our reminder shown when we next login.

And this will show every time we login up until the expiry date and time we've set.

Or we can remove this reminder before then by clicking the little X icon.

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