Posts Tagged: v4

MIDAS version 4: Your Questions Answered

Your Questions Answered

Since releasing MIDAS v4 last month, many of our customers have already updated their installation to this major new release of our web based room scheduling system.

If you’re an existing customer with a current Support Subscription, you too can update right now. You can do this from within the software via MIDAS Admin Options → Manage MIDAS → Update.

As well as regularly updating our blog in recent months showcasing new features in v4, we’ve also been updating our Knowledge Base with new articles relating to the new version. We thought we’d take this opportunity to compile a list of common questions we’ve been asked about MIDAS v4. So what follows is a sort of “mini F.A.Q.” if you will!

If you’ve got questions about updating, or about some of the changes/new features in v4, you may find the following articles helpful:

Updating to MIDAS v4:

Using MIDAS v4:

We’ll keep this post updated each time we add new Knowledge Base articles that relate to MIDAS v4. If your question though isn’t answered here, please feel free to contact us.

8 New Video Tutorials Now Available

We know you love our easy to follow, step-by-step video tutorials for MIDAS… so we’ve just uploaded a whole bunch of new ones, updating for the very latest release of MIDAS, version 4!

With nearly an hour of new tutorials, broken down into 8 new individual tutorials, the following topics are covered:

  • Setting Up Your Venues
  • Setting Up & Allocating Resources
  • Add, Modify, and Delete Bookings
  • Add, Modify, Delete, and Email Clients
  • Invoicing
  • Accept Booking Requests Online
  • Control and Customize Booking Fields
  • Messages, Notifications, Reminders, and Watches

If you’re an existing user of MIDAS, you’re sure to find these tutorials useful as you start exploring MIDAS v4. If you’re not a MIDAS user just yet, these tutorials will show you just how easy our software is to use, and provide an insight into some of the incredibly powerful and versatile features you can expect from MIDAS.

You can find this video tutorials at as well as on our YouTube channel.

MIDAS v4 Now Available!

Today, we are pleased to announce the release of the much anticipated MIDAS v4!

New & Improved Features in MIDAS v4:

New Default Theme
New Default Theme
View Multiple Days in a Single Booking Grid
View Multiple Days in a Single Booking Grid
Drag & Drop Bookings To Reschedule
Drag & Drop Bookings To Reschedule
Add Venue Photos/Descriptions & Managers
Add Venue Photos/Descriptions & Managers
History Panel Logs History of every Booking
History Panel Logs History of every Booking

With much of the original code re-written from the ground up, MIDAS v4 is the culmination of over eight months development work, and is packed full of new and improved features.

MIDAS v4 also uses a faster, more efficient, database architecture than previous versions.

Here’s a little more insight into some of the new features in MIDAS v4:
MIDAS v4: A Fresh New Look
Weekly & Multiple Day Views
Invoicing Improvements
Improvements to Booking Requests
Do More Direct From The Booking Grid
New History Panel Showing Complete History For Each Booking

View the full changelog here

Existing MIDAS customers with valid Annual Support Subscriptions will be able to update to MIDAS v4 in the coming days as part of their ongoing subscription!

Customers who have their MIDAS “remotely hosted” by us have already been updated to MIDAS v4!

If you’re not yet using MIDAS, now’s the time to get your organization’s room scheduling in order!
Not convinced? Read what some of our existing customers say about our software and support

…and why not try MIDAS v4 out for yourself now in our free online public demo.

New & Improved Features in MIDAS v4:

Generate Invoices Form The Booking Grid
Generate Invoices Form The Booking Grid
Approve Requests From The Booking Grid
Approve Requests From The Booking Grid
Restore Deleted Bookings From The Grid
Restore Deleted Bookings From The Grid
Show Booking Fields To Select Users
Show Booking Fields To Select Users
Specify Resources Per Venue
Specify Resources Per Venue

Try MIDAS v4 Now!

Keen readers of this blog will know by now, that we have a major update coming to MIDAS this Summer!

A lot has changed in this update and it’s packed full of new and improved features. It also uses a new database format, and has much of the original code re-written from the ground up!

Whether you’re an existing user or totally new to the MIDAS way of online scheduling, we need your help to “test” this new update. This allows us to help identify and fix andy issues before its public release!

Becoming a Beta Tester couldn’t be easier. It’s completely free, there’s nothing to download, and you don’t need any programming experience or knowledge! All you need is your web browser and a bit of spare time! So why not sign up right now!

The more people we have testing this pre-release “beta” version of our popular room scheduling software, the sooner we can release this exciting new update!

Click Here to try MIDAS v4 Now!