MIDAS Knowledge Base MIDAS Knowledge Base

Why is the screen layout wrong after updating the software?

If you're using your own "custom" made or modified visual theme for your MIDAS resource booking system, it may be that your theme is no longer compatible with the version of our MIDAS software you've just updated to.

If you've updated to a version of MIDAS prior to v4.20, then please download and customize or use the latest version of one of the available pre-built themes.

If you've updated from a version of MIDAS prior to v4.20 to v4.20 or higher, then your previous custom theme will no longer be compatible with your MIDAS software. Please see How to customize the appearance of your MIDAS system for more information on customizing a new visual theme for your room booking system.

If however you're not using a custom theme, and are experiencing a corrupt visual layout in your MIDAS booking software, then it may be that your web browser is still "caching" parts of the version of MIDAS you were using prior to performing a software update.

Therefore, to address the issue, please clear your browser's cache (Temporary Internet Files), restart your browser, and try accessing your MIDAS system again.

If this does not resolve the issue, then it's possible that either:

  1. Elements from your earlier version of MIDAS are still being cached elsewhere i.e. on your wider corporate network cache. You may need to contact your IT, network, or system administrator for assistance.
  2. In running MIDAS v4.19 or earlier, it may be that MIDAS was unable to fully update its theme files due to a permissions issue on your server. Please manually download and update your MIDAS theme, and check the server permissions for your MIDAS "Themes" directory to ensure that for future updates, your MIDAS system can automatically write to this directory in order to update theme files.

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