MIDAS Knowledge Base MIDAS Knowledge Base

My pending booking screen's empty and I don't get notified of requests

In MIDAS v4, we introduced a new venue "Managers" setting, which allows you to configure booking requests for different rooms to go to different administrators for approval.

For example, you may wish booking requests for your sports facilities to go to your sports facilities coordinator for approval, whereas booking requests for general meeting rooms to go instead to your office administrator for their approval.

If you have been granted the "Can process booking requests" user permission (MIDAS Admin Options → Manage Users & Permissions), but have not also been assigned as a "Manager" for particular venues, then you will not receive notifications of new requests for those venues, nor will any requests for those venues appear on your "Pending Booking equests" screen.

You will only receive notifications, and your "Pending Booking equests" screen will only show you booking requests, for the venue(s) to which you have been assigned as a "Manager".

Administrators can assign "Managers" to venues via MIDAS Admin Options → Manage Venues → [select venue] → Managers.

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