How To Make Venues Public & Assign Managers
Topics covered in this tutorial: In this tutorial I'm going to show you how you can make venues public. Now if you make any of your venues public then you can allow non-users to check availability, submit booking requests, or even bookings online - without needing a user account. So you'll see at the moment booking requests are currently disabled. So let's go into MIDAS can we go to MIDAS Admin Options and select "Manage MIDAS" from the list. On the "Public" tab you'll see there's two options; "Enable public booking requests" and "Enable public web booking". Now the difference between these; "Public booking requests" allow a visitor to your site to check availability and submit a "request" for a booking, which then has to be approved or rejected by an administrator before it becomes a confirmed booking. Alternatively "Public web booking" allows users to pay for their bookings and confirm them online. So to enable one or both of these we simply click the enable box and you'll see MIDAS says "No venues are currently set to be public". So I've enabled the public booking request feature, but now we need to make some of our venues public. And here's a list of all our venues and you'll see there's a "Public" tick box here. Now at the moment that's disabled, because we first need to assign venue managers. "Venue Managers" are those users with permission to be able to approve or reject booking requests. So to assign managers we go to the "Managers" tab and this will list all the users in the system who have permission to process booking requests. So we can select one or more users here - so we'll select ourselves - and you'll see when we do the public tick box becomes available. So we can make that venue public and we click "Save Changes". Now, "Venue Managers" is really useful because it allows you to assign different users to be managers of different rooms. So for example, if you have some sports facilities you may wish all the requests for those to go to one member of staff, and all requests for your generic meeting rooms to go to another member of staff. So you can do that by assigning different venue managers to your different venues. So now that we've enabled public booking requests, assigned venue managers, and made a venue public - if we switch back to our public booking request screen and reload that, you'll see we now have a venue that we can request. And that's how to make your venues public and assign venue managers. Thanks for watching and be sure to check out our other video tutorials online.Tutorial Video Transcript
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