Posts Tagged: web calendars

Nearly a quarter of our customers choose this addon!

“Addons” further extend the capabilities of a MIDAS booking system beyond the extensive features that are already included as standard with our software.

Did you know that with one of our optional addons you can actually display a calendar of bookings right on your own public website?

Display a calendar of bookings on your website

The Web Calendars addon allows visitors to your organization’s public website to see what’s on at your venue.

You can embed daily and monthly calendars directly into your public website. You also have precise control which events appear (or are hidden) on these calendars, and how much information is shown for each.

Example of a MIDAS calendar embedded in a public website
Example of a MIDAS calendar embedded in a public website

Plus, if you already make use of the built-in Public Booking Request or Public Web Booking features of MIDAS, you can also configure Web Calendars to allow a visitor to directly book/request a specific date by simply clicking it.

Check our some live examples of embeddable public calendars at

Get Web Calendars for your MIDAS system

Web Calendars is by far our most popular addon, with nearly a quarter of all customers choosing to add it to their MIDAS booking system!

You can add the Web Calendars addon to your MIDAS system too, by simply going to

Also check out our other optional addons to further extend the capabilities of your MIDAS software.

Web Calendar Improvements

A range of optional addons are available for our MIDAS room booking software.

One of our most popular addons is the “Web Calendars” addon.

This addon generates customizable monthly overview calendars of your room bookings, which can be seamlessly embedded directly into your own website to allow visitors to see what’s on.

Here’s an example of an embeddable Web Calendar using live data from our free online public demo:

Each calendar’s settings and appearance may be configured. You can, for instance, limit a Web Calendar to only show bookings from certain rooms, or that are of a certain booking type.

Since our Web Calendars addon first launched, we’ve had lots of positive feedback from customers. We’ve also had suggestions of how the Web Calendars addon could be improved to better meet specific needs.

Well, we’ve listened, and so for v1.38 of the Web Calendars addon (available for MIDAS v4.28+) we’ve added some exciting new features!

Web Calendar addon settings in MIDAS
Web Calendar addon settings in MIDAS

NEW: Embed single day Web Calendars

You can now embed a Web Calendar for a single day’s bookings into your website. Here’s an example of Web Calendar showing today’s bookings using live data from our public demo:

NEW: Allow visitors to book/request a date directly from a Web Calendar

One of the settings you can configure for each Web Calendar is what happens when someone clicks on a date or a booking. Until now, the only options available were:

  • Do Nothing
  • Show extended info for the selected date in a popup
  • Show extended info for the selected booking in a popup

Additionally, you can now also select:

  • Request this date
  • Book this date

If “Request this date” is selected and someone clicks on a date in a monthly Web Calendar, they’ll be taken to the Public Booking Request screen with their selected date pre-selected.

Similarly, for the “Book this date” option, the visitor will be taken to the Public Web Booking screen with their selected date pre-selected.

IMPROVED: Web Calendars can now be referenced by name

The Web Calendars addon can generate multiple embeddable calendars for you. To choose which calendar to embed, you’d previously have to pass its numeric reference number in a URL parameter.

We’ve now made this more user-friendly, by allowing Web Calendars to be referenced by name.

So for example, if you create a Web Calendar and name it “TestCal”, you can embed it by simply appending “?calendar=TestCal” to your Web Calendar URL.

IMPROVED: Setup/Breakdown times can now be included in Web Calendars

Setup/Breakdown periods were first introduced to MIDAS in v4.23. Until now, however, this information couldn’t be displayed on Web Calendars… well now it can! We’ve added support for additional placeholder “variables” in your Web Calendar templates to allow you to include setup and breakdown times or lengths!

Find out more about the new and improved Web Calendars addon for MIDAS at

2 New Addons: Web Calendars and Digital Signage

We are pleased to announce the availability of two brand new addons for MIDAS – Web Calendars and Digital Signage.

These optional addons extend the capabilities of our web based room scheduling software with powerful new features. These latest two addons have been developed as a direct result of feedback from our customers as to additional functionality they’d like to see in our scheduling software.

MIDAS Addon: Web Calendars

Embeddable Web Calendars With our optional Web Calendars addon you can quickly embed monthly overview calendars of your bookings directly and seamlessly into your own website – ideal if you’d like to display a “What’s on” calendar of events, to visitors to your web site, or provide a quick overview of a particular venue’s availability Read more… | Video Tutorial


MIDAS Addon: Digital Signage

Digital Signage The optional Digital Signage addon is a feature-rich signage solution offering real-time display of your ongoing and upcoming room bookings on TV screens around your site! Whether you’d like to display today’s bookings to visitors in your reception area, or have an individual screen outside each room just showing what’s currently taking place in that one room, our Digital Signage addon is for you! Read more… | Video Tutorial


How to get these addons

If you’re an existing customer running the latest build of MIDAS v4.03 (or later), you can add the Web Calendars and/or Digital Signage addons to your MIDAS via the upgrade site.
If you’re not yet a MIDAS customer, you can include the Web Calendars and/or Digital Signage addons at time of purchase, or add either one to your MIDAS at a later date.

Once an addon has been purchased, it will then become available for one-click install within your MIDAS via MIDAS Admin Options → Manage Addons

There’s More! See full details of other addons available for MIDAS at