Posts Tagged: public booking requests

Better support for “shared” email addresses

One of the features of our software is that it can allow visitors to your website to check room availability. They can then make an online booking (or booking request) for use of your facilities.

As this can be done without requiring a login or a user account. When making a “public” booking/request, the person simply needs to enter their details. This will typically include their name and contact email address.

When a public web booking/request is made, MIDAS checks the email address that’s been entered against its existing client database.

If a single matching client with the same email address already exists in the client database, MIDAS will associate the booking/request with that existing client.

This negates the need for a person to have to re-enter all their information (i.e. address, phone number, etc) each time they make a web booking or request.

MIDAS can also be configured to allow individuals to update their information each time they make a web booking or request.

Multiple clients with the same email address

Shared Email Address

But what if there is more than one existing client with the same email address as the person making the web booking / request?

In these instances, MIDAS will not only compare the email address given, but also the client and organization names provided.

If there is a single exact match based on this additional information, MIDAS will associated the booking/request with the one matching client.

Again, MIDAS can be configured to update the existing client record at time of web booking / request with new details supplied by the individual.

The problem

There is however an “edge case” where the above options don’t quite go far enough.

Take for example an individual who uses their personal email address to make web bookings or requests for multiple different organizations they’re associated with.

That’s no problem if there are existing client records for the client for each of their organizations. But it becomes an issue if this is a brand new client. It’s also an issue if this is a person with just a single existing client record under one of their organizations.

Here’s an example to illustrate:

Let’s say Jeff is associated with two organizations – let’s call them “A” and “B”.

Let’s also assume that Jeff is a brand new client. There is therefore currently no client record with the same email address existing in your MIDAS system.

Jeff makes a booking request using his personal email address on behalf of organization “A”. A new client record is created for Jeff using this information.

A short while later, Jeff makes another booking request. He uses his personal email address again, but this time he’d like to make a request for organization “B”.

When Jeff makes his second request, MIDAS will see that there is already a single client in its database matching Jeff’s email address. One of two things will then happen, depending whether the “Allow client record updates” setting has been enabled in MIDAS.

If the “Allow client record updates” option is disabled, MIDAS will reuse Jeff’s original details (i.e. organization “A”). This will result in both his booking requests being for organization A.

If the “Allow client record updates” option is enabled, MIDAS will update Jeff’s original details (i.e. to become organization “B”). This will result in both his booking requests being for organization B.

…but that’s not what we want! We want his first request to be for organization A, and his second for organization B.

The solution

Instances of someone making web bookings / requests on behalf of multiple organizations using the same email address are uncommon. But we still wanted to better accommodate this scenario.

So for MIDAS v4.37 we’ve introduced a new “Account for multiple clients/organizations sharing the same email address” setting.

Account for multiple clients/organizations sharing the same email address
NEW: “Account for multiple clients/organizations sharing the same email address” setting

Enabling this setting will automatically create additional client records for each client/organization variant using the same email address.

The result – in our illustrative example above – would be that Jeff can make booking requests for either organization A or B (or even a future organization C) using his personal email address without issue.

Selectively process multiple booking requests

One of the helpful features of MIDAS is the ability to allow visitors to your website to check availability of your facilities and submit booking “requests” online. They can do this without logging in or requiring an account.

Once a booking request is submitted, the manager(s) of the request facility are notified. A manager can then then quickly approve or reject the booking request in MIDAS with just a few clicks.

In MIDAS v4.14 in December 2016 we introduced the option to allow a manager to “bulk” approve or reject all outstanding requests with just a single click.

Bulk processing of all booking requests was first introduced in MIDAS v4.14
Bulk processing of all booking requests was first introduced in MIDAS v4.14

This saved time in instances where there were numerous booking requests which all required approval or rejection.

To be able to bulk approve a number of booking requests, a setting was made available. This instructed MIDAS as to the order in which it should approve requests when approving them in bulk.

The “Bulk Approval Order” setting has the following options:

  • Earliest Requested First – Booking requests will be approved in the order in which they were received. The earliest request received will be approved first.
  • Latest Requested First – Booking requests will be approved in the reverse order in which they were received. The most recently received request will be approved first.
  • Earliest Commencing First – Booking requests will be approved in the order in which the requested booking would start. Requests for the soonest start times will be approved first.
  • Latest Commencing First – Booking requests will be approved in the reverse order in which the requested booking would start. Requests for the furthest away start times will be approved first.

For MIDAS v4.37 we’re giving managers even greater control when it comes to processing multiple booking requests.

In addition to be able to approve or reject one booking request at a time, or “bulk” approve/reject ALL requests at the same time, you can now also selectively approve/reject multiple requests.

On the Pending Booking Requests screen there’s now a checkbox alongside each request that’s awaiting processing.

Selectively process multiple booking requests in MIDAS v4.37
Selectively process multiple booking requests in MIDAS v4.37+

A manager can use these tick boxes to select multiple requests and then click the “Approve Selected” or “Reject Selected” buttons at the bottom of the screen to process the selected requests accordingly.

If no requests are selected, the “Approve Selected” and “Reject Selected” buttons change. They then become the familiar “Approve All” and “Reject All” options which if used process all requests in the queue.

Auto-Approve Booking Requests Based Upon Their Type

The “Booking Request” features of MIDAS, allow people to check venue availability and submit booking “request” for your rooms.

By default, all booking “requests” must then be approved by a venue’s administrator (manager) before becoming a “confirmed” booking.

Back in MIDAS v4.27, we introduced an option to allow booking requests received from certain email addresses/domains to be “Auto-Approved“.

“Auto-Approved” booking requests do not require a manager’s authorization. As soon as the request is received, it’s automatically approved by MIDAS – just as if the user had made a regular “confirmed” booking.

For v4.30 we’ve extended the “Auto-Approve” options for booking requests. You can now alternatively have requests automatically approved based upon the “type” of booking request that has been made.

Auto-Approve Booking Requests Based Upon Their Type
Auto-Approve Booking Requests Based Upon Their Type

With this option enabled, booking requests that have had a matching booking type selected at time of requesting will be automatically approved.

All other booking requests will still require a venue manager’s approved as before.

So for example, you could configure this option so that all “internal” booking requests are automatically approved, where as all others require approval.

Conditional Auto-Approval For Booking Requests

The Public Booking Request feature of MIDAS allows non-users to check the availability of your rooms, and submit booking “requests” online. No user account or login is required in order to make a public booking requests.

When a booking request is made, “managers” for the requested venue are notified by MIDAS. They can then log in and quickly approve, reject, or modify the pending request.

The ability to have different managers for different rooms allows incoming requests to be filtered to the right department/person within your organization.

Public Booking Requesting is one of the most popular features of our software. It is a well feature widely used by our customers in their booking operations.

Auto Approval of Booking Requests

Back in October 2013 – with the release on MIDAS v4.04, we introduced the option to have all booking requests “auto approved”. With this option enabled, MIDAS would automatically approve all incoming booking requests with no manager intervention required.

Many customers don’t need this functionality, and instead prefer to manually review and approve each incoming booking request.

But for organizations such as large universities which allow students to book their own study rooms, the ability to have booking requests auto-approved is a real time saver.

Selective Auto-Approval

To extend this auto approve functionality though, we’re introducing a new option for MIDAS v4.27:

Automatically approve booking requests that originate from certain email domains or addresses
Auto-Approve Booking Requests from certain domains/addresses

Now, if the “Auto-Approve Booking Requests” option is enabled, there are two choices;

  • All
  • For these email addresses / domains

The “All” option retains the previous auto-approve behavior. If selected, then all incoming booking requests will automatically be approved by MIDAS (subject to availability).

The “For these email addresses / domains” option allows you to instruct MIDAS to auto-approve requests from certain email addresses or domains. This setting will take a comma separated list of email domains or individual email addresses.

If a person makes a booking requests under an email address which matches this setting, their request will be auto-approved by MIDAS.

If a booking request is made from under an email address which doesn’t match this setting, then venue managers will be notified and would need to manually review the request.

This powerful new auto-approve option can have some real benefits!

For instance, you could set anyone “internal” to your organization to have their booking requests auto-approved, whilst still requiring external requestors to have their requests manually approved.

How To Get MIDAS v4.27…

MIDAS v4.27 isn’t yet publicly available. It is expected to be made available to Beta Testers soon, with a full public release shortly after. In the meantime, why not check out some of the new features that were included in v4.26 ?