3-ways we’re supporting businesses affected by COVID

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) is arguably the largest global health threat in modern times. Now classified as a “Pandemic” by the World Health Organization (WHO), and predicted to last for many months. It is having far-reaching consequences for organizations and businesses around the world.

We want to do our best to support our MIDAS customers in affected businesses however we can. That’s why today (March 13, 2020) we’re announcing a package of support measures for affected businesses;

COVID Support Measure 1

Firstly, and exclusively for our customers in Medical/Healthcare organizations. We recognize the unprecedented demand that there is – and will be – on your services over the coming weeks and months. If your MIDAS subscription is shortly due for renewal, we will allow an extra “grace period” for you to complete your payment without risk of your MIDAS access becoming suspended. It’s more important for your focus right now to be on helping those impacted by the Coronavirus in your care than on paying bills. Therefore, we are happy to defer any upcoming renewal payment for your MIDAS service for up to six months. [1]

COVID Support Measure 2

Secondly, we want to support our customers in businesses and organizations which may have to temporarily close and suspend their operations as a result of Government guidance or restrictions put in place in response to Coronavirus. If your business/organization has suspended its operations, you’ll likely not be using your MIDAS system for a some weeks. We don’t feel it’s fair you should continue to pay for a service during such a period it would be redundant. If you’re in this situation, please contact us. We’d be happy to put a temporary suspension on your MIDAS system for a length of time you wish. Once access is re-instated, we’ll be happy to extend your current subscription period by the same length of time your system was suspended for. For example, if your school is forced to shut for two months, we can suspend your MIDAS system for this period. We’ll then extend your next subscription renewal date by two months. This ensures that you’ll effectively not be paying for your MIDAS system during the period your organization/business closes. [2]

COVID Support Measure 3

Thirdly, we recognize that many employees are now encouraged to work from home by their employers or government. The aim of this measure is help reduce risk of exposure to and fight transmission of Coronavirus. We also know that in many of our customer’s organizations, multiple personnel share the same user account in their MIDAS system. This is often the case, for example, in part-time or job share situations. With more people now working remotely from home, this may present a challenge. You may feel that the current user limit on your license makes it difficult for all staff to still be able to access your MIDAS system remotely and effectively work from home. Therefore, we’re offering temporary user license increases for up to six months for organizations this would benefit. These license increases will enable more of your workforce to work remotely from home. [3]

We’re Here To Help!

If any of the above measures could support your operations during this challenging time, please contact us and we’d be happy to assist.

UPDATE: If you’re now restarting your suspended operations, see 6 Ways MIDAS Can Help Your Business Adjust To COVID-19

[1] Applies to both self-hosted and cloud-hosted MIDAS customers in medical/healthcare related organizations only.
[2] Applies to cloud-hosted MIDAS customers only whos business operations have temporarily ceased as a result of government restrictions or other officially recognized guidance. Temporary suspensions won’t be “back dated” and will only come into effect once requested by contacting us.
[3] Applies to cloud-hosted MIDAS customers who wish to enable more of their staff to work from home and still access their MIDAS system in response to the Coronavirus. After six months, the customer has the option to retain the new user license level by purchasing the license upgrade. Alternatively, they can revert back to their previous license level. In the case of opting to revert, any additionally added user accounts over the previous license level would be removed.

Please note that the support measures outlined herein are discretionary. We will assess eligibility on a case-by-case basis, taking into account – but not limited to – the above notes. The COVID-19 pandemic is an unprecedented and rapidly changing, fluid situation. Therefore, we reserve the right to refuse, revoke, or amend any support measure outlined herein at any time without prior notice.

New Reviews Addon

With the latest update (v4.24) to our MIDAS web based room booking and resource scheduling software fast approaching, we’ve been introducing some of the highlights of the new update over the past few blog posts.

In our previous post, we revealed a new editable “Booking Feedback” template and options to allow your MIDAS system to automatically send clients a post-booking follow-up email. This could be used, for example, to thank them for their recent visit and to encourage them to use your facilities again soon.

To further enhance and extend this new feature, we’re also introducing a new optional “Reviews” addon, which works in conjunction with this feature. This addon allows you to automatically collect feedback, ratings, and reviews of your facilities/business on leading independent review sites, such as Trustpilot.

Initially, the new optional “Reviews” addon supports four leading independent review platforms;

Collect Reviews

How It Works

The “Reviews” addon works by automatically notifying an independent review collection platform after a client’s booking has taken place at your facilities. The review platform then in turn sends out a review invitation by email to your client asking them to leave a review or rating of your business on their website.

Here’s how the process works:

  1. A client’s booking in MIDAS takes place.
  2. Shortly thereafter, MIDAS automatically sends the client a post-booking email (the content of which is customizable via a template)
  3. When this email is sent, it is also transparently BCC’d (Blind Carbon Copied) to your chosen review collection platform
  4. The review platform in turn sends your client an invitation to rate/review your business on their independent review platform

What you’ll need

In order to be able to take advantage of the functionality the optional “Reviews” addon offers, you’ll need the following:

  • MIDAS v4.24 (or later)
  • A valid account with a supported review platform (see above for a list of currently supported review platforms)
  • Your MIDAS system correctly configured to send email
  • Scheduled Tasks correctly configured to run in MIDAS, and the new Post-Booking email notification option enabled.

Complete documentation for the new Reviews addon is available online.

Once MIDAS v4.24 is released, new customers will be able to purchase the “Reviews” addon through our secure site.

Existing customers with valid subscriptions running MIDAS v4.24 may add the optional “Reviews” addon to their system by upgrading.

Are there any other review platforms you’d like to see included in this addon in the future? Let us know!

New Booking Feedback Email & Template

Over the past few articles, we’ve unvailed some of the new features in the next update (v4.24) to our MIDAS room and resource scheduling software.

In this article we’re revealing a new email notification. This notification can be configured to automatically send to your clients shortly after their bookings have concluded.

Those familiar with the extensive email notification capabilities of MIDAS will know that you can already configure MIDAS to automatically send clients a variety of notifications. These include; booking confirmations, reminders of their upcoming bookings, invoice payment reminders and more. In fact there are no fewer than 10 different email notification types available in MIDAS. Each of these may be individually customizable through the use of templates.

Send a post-booking email to your clients

For v4.24 we’re adding in an additional email notification template to the list – for “Booking Feedback”. The idea behind this is as follows. A short time after a client’s booking has taken place, MIDAS can automatically send them a courtesy follow-up email. This could simply thank them for their visit. It could also invite them to leave feedback on their room hire experience at your organization.

New Booking Feedback email template in MIDAS
New “Booking Feedback” email template in MIDAS v4.24

As with all other editable templates in MIDAS, the new “Booking Feedback” template may be modified and customized to your particular requirements. Templates are accessed and modified via MIDAS Admin Options → Manage MIDAS → Templates. Your templates may be customized to include simple HTML code and placeholder variables.

As a side note, eagle-eyed viewers may also note from the above screenshot that we’ve also now made the Template Preview and Template Code areas vertically resizable! Previously these were both a fixed height.

Once you’ve customized your “Booking Feedback” email template, you can then enable it. You can set how long after a client’s booking has concluded MIDAS should wait before sending the email. These settings may be configured via MIDAS Admin Options → Manage MIDAS → Scheduled Tasks.

Enable a Scheduled Task to automatically send an email to a client after their visit
Enable a Scheduled Task to automatically email a client after their visit

For these post-booking emails to be automatically sent, you’ll need to have Scheduled Tasks configured on your server. If Scheduled Tasks are correctly configured, the “Last Run” time indicated in the above screenshot should show a time within the last 60 minutes. All our cloud-hosted customer’s MIDAS systems are pre-configured to run scheduled tasks. For self-hosted customers, if you’ve not yet configured Scheduled Tasks on your server, please refer to our KB article: How to configure your server to run Scheduled Tasks.

We hope our customers will appreciate this new notification and template addition to the forthcoming v4.24 update. In our next article, we’ll look at how the functionality of this new feature can be further enhanced with a brand-new optional addon. So stay tuned to our blog to discover more in the coming days!

New Bypass Venue Blocks Permission

As the wet and windy wintry weather shows no sign of letting up here in the UK, we continue to put the finishing touches to the next update to our MIDAS web based room booking and resource scheduling software, v4.24.

In our previous article, we announced support in v4.24 for a new multi-select custom list field. In this blog post, we’re revealing a new user permission we’re adding to our forthcoming update.

“User Permissions” in MIDAS allow administrators to precisely control what each user account within the system can access. From very restrictive “view only” permissions to fully-fledged administrator – and everything in between! In fact, there are in excess of 30 individual permissions you can set on a per-account basis. A full list of these permissions may be found here.

For v4.24 we’re adding a new additional user permission: “Can Bypass Venue Blocks”. To understand the purpose of this new permissions, we first need to understand what “Venue Blocks” actually are..

What are venue “blocks”?

Back in 2014, we introduced “Venue Blocks” to MIDAS. You can read more about this cool feature in this blog post. Essentially, venue “blocking” allows administrators to set up rules so that when a certain venue is booked, another venue is then automatically blocked from having any bookings during the same time period.

An example of where this may be useful is in a Church environment where you have a quiet prayer room adjacent to a sports hall. It may be desirable to prevent noisy bookings taking place in the sports hall when there’s a prayer meeting happening in the room next door. This is where Venue Blocking comes in.

Another example might be a large room which can either be hired as a whole space, or sub-divided and hired as two separate, smaller rooms. Obviously, if one of the sub-divisions is booked, another booking couldn’t take place in the space as a whole at the same time. Again, this is where Venue Blocking in MIDAS becomes really useful, as you can easily prevent such occurrences.

Bypassing Venue Blocks

Until now, however, there has been no way to “override” venue blocks, short of removing the blocks from venues themselves. That’s why we’re introducing the new “Can Bypass Venue Blocks” permission for v4.24:

Bypass MIDAS Venue Blocking Rules
New “Bypass Venue Blocks” permission in v4.24

This permission isn’t granted to any user by default. However, any user account subsequently granted the “Can Bypass Venue Blocks” permission, can then make bookings regardless of any venue blocking rules in effect.

We’re sure this additional user permission will be of considerable use in helping you manage your bookable spaces more effectively. And once again, this improvement is being implemented as a direct result of feedback from our users. We love hearing feedback and suggestions for improvement and new features from our customers. Why not vote on some suggestions and let us know what you’d like to see in MIDAS in the future!