Perl modules reported missing during MIDAS install
In some instances, if a minimal or "bare bones" install of Perl has been installed and configured on your server, some of the Perl modules required by our MIDAS booking software to function correctly may be missing.We provide a free Server Readiness Tool that you can download and run on your web server prior to purchasing and installing a "self hosted" edition of our room scheduling software. This tool will check for any missing and required Perl modules prior to install to ensure you'll be able to run our software on your server.
The most recent versions of MIDAS require the following Perl modules:
- Archive::Tar
- DBD::mysql or DBD::MariaDB
- Digest::MD5
- Digest::SHA
- Encode
- IO::Socket::SSL
- LWP::Simple
- LWP::UserAgent
- Memoize
- MIME::Base64
- Time::Local
The following additional modules may also be necessary depending upon your requirements:
- Authen::SASL (Required if you wish MIDAS to send email via SMTP, and your SMTP server requires SSL connections)
- CGI::Carp (Required if you intend to enable debug logging)
- Crypt::Eksblowfish (Recommended for increased security)
- Crypt::PRNG (Recommended for increased security)
- Digest::HMAC_SHA1 (Required if you wish to enable 2FA support with external authenticator apps in MIDAS v4.38+)
- Excel::Writer::XLSX (Required if you wish to be able to export data from your MIDAS system in native Microsoft Excel (.xlsx) format)
- Image::PNG::QRCode (Required if you wish to enable 2FA support with external authenticator apps in MIDAS v4.38+)
- Net::Config (Required if you wish MIDAS to send email via SMTP)
- Net::LDAP (Required if you intend to enable Active Directory support)
- Net::SMTP (Required if you wish MIDAS to send email via SMTP)
- Net::SMTP::SSL (Required if you wish MIDAS to send email via SMTP, and your SMTP server requires SSL connections)
- Net::SMTP::TLS (Required if you wish MIDAS to send email via SMTP, and your SMTP server requires TLS connections)
- Net::SMTPS (Required if you wish MIDAS to send email via SMTP, and your SMTP server requires STARTTLS connections)
- PDF::WebKit (Required if you wish to be able to have the software attach PDF versions of invoices to emails (rather than including them inline))
- Time::Piece (Required if your Perl distribution doesn't support POSIX/tzset - such as Strawberry Perl)
- XML::Simple (Required if you wish to be able to export data from MIDAS in XML format)
All of these Perl modules may be freely obtained from CPAN.
For guidance on downloading and installing Perl modules on your web server, please see our How to install Perl modules guide.
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