For v4.25, we’ve made a few improvements to custom booking and client fields. These include..

Custom Fields Can Now Include A Descriptive Explainer

When creating a custom field in MIDAS, it may not always be clear precisely to end-users what the field is for. Or, there may be additional information you’d like to present along with the field itself.

That’s why for v4.25 you may also set a description for each custom field. These descriptions are shown to users just above the field, so they’ll know exactly what the field is for.

What’s more, these descriptions may also include simply HTML, allowing for instance the inclusion of a link.

Here’s an example of a custom field without a description:

Custom Checkbox Field
Custom Checkbox Field

Here’s the same field, but this time with a description, including a clickable link:

Custom Checkbox Field with additional descriptive content
Custom Checkbox Field with additional descriptive content

Enforce a Maximum Input Length in Custom Text Fields

When creating a custom text field, you can now limit the maximum number of characters users may enter into the field:

Control the maximum input length of custom text fields
Control the maximum input length of custom text fields

Control How Many Options Are Displayed At Once In Custom List Fields

When creating a custom single select or multi select drop-down list field, you may now indicate how many items from the list should be displayed at any one time. Typically, browsers default to showing 1 item at a time in a single-select list, and 4 items at a time in a multi-select. You can now override this default behavior for each list field:

A custom multi-select list, showing a maximum of 5 items at any given time
A custom multi-select list, showing a maximum of 5 items at any given time

These are just a few of the new and improved features for MIDAS v4.25. Please see this post for details of other new features you’ll find in v4.25.

Reddit You can also ask questions and discuss the new features of v4.25 over on Reddit.