Server Requirements for a Self-Hosted MIDAS booking system
If you choose to download our room and resource scheduling software for installation and use on your own web server (known as our "self hosted" edition), the following system requirements must first be met on your server:A Web Server 2
- Such as Apache or IIS - Please ensure that you are running the latest version of your web server software. 1
Perl 5 (5.10 or later) 3
- Most Unix / Linux platforms and Macs have Perl already installed.
- If you run a Windows server, you'll need to install Perl if it's not already been installed. We recommend Strawberry Perl. 1
- A handful of Perl modules which may not be present as standard in all Perl installs may also need to be installed. Please see the list of required Perl modules for more information.
MySQL 5.7.8 (or later) or MariaDB 10.2.3 (or later) 1
- MIDAS uses a MySQL/MariaDB database, and therefore requires either MySQL or MariaDB to be available.
- MySQL is the world's most popular database engine, and may be freely obtained via mysql.com. 1
- MariaDB is an increasingly popular open source database engine, that is a drop-in replacement for MySQL. It may be freely obtained via mariadb.org. 1
10 MB Free Disk Space
- Initially the physical files that make up MIDAS take up less than 3 MB, but we suggest a minimum of 10 MB free disk space to accommodate a typical size of database.
A connection to the Internet from your server
- To authorize your installation and to check for future software updates.
A modern web browser
1 Whilst we've produced basic installation guides for many of the 3rd party products listed here, we're unable to provide installation support for 3rd party software. Please refer to the vendor's own documentation if you require additional assistance installing or configuring their respective products.
2 Recent builds of the XAMPP server are known to cause problems. XAMPP is NOT a stable/production level web server and should not be used for MIDAS. Please see this article for further details and alternatives.
3 The optional "mod_perl" extension present on some Apache servers is known to cause issues and should be disabled in order to install and run MIDAS. If in doubt please check with your server/hosting provider first.
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