MIDAS reports a blocked IP address error immediately after install

- Your browser window shows no version number after the "v" in the MIDAS logo.
- Your browser window has a white background, with the message "MIDAS has encountered an unexpected error!" displayed near the top-left corner.
- In the center of your browser window is the MIDAS logo, below which is the text "ACCESS DENIED: Your IP address has been blocked from accessing MIDAS".
- The size of the "midasglobal.dat" file (if present) within your MIDAS installation only contains 25 lines of text, and is less than 1 KB in size.
It's important to remember that XAMPP is intended for use as a development tool only. It is NOT a stable/production web server solution and should therefore not be used for MIDAS. The XAMPP package has a very limited set of Perl capabilities that are not suitable for running MIDAS.
Please uninstall XAMPP, and install a production level web server instead.
On Windows, we recommend installing the Apache Web Server, Strawberry Perl, and Maria DB.
Once you've installed, configured, and verified these components, please re-install MIDAS, and your installation should complete without issue!
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