Can I install MIDAS on a shared hosting package with my current host?
Many web hosting companies offer "shared" web hosting services."Shared Hosting" is when multiple customer's web sites run independently of each other, but all reside on the same physical server and all share the same memory and processing power between them. As such, these are usually one of the cheapest "entry level" web hosting options that companies offer.
As long as your "shared" web hosting package meets our server requirements, you should be able to install and run a self hosted MIDAS booking system. <> However, many hosting providers do impose quite strict limitations on their 'shared' hosting packages.
For example, it's not uncommon for there to be limits imposed on the maximum number of concurrent connections you're allowed to make to a database.
It's also not uncommon for hosting providers to suspend your shared hosting account if you regularly use what your hosting provider deems as being "excessive" server resources such as CPU or Memory.
Many of our self-hosted MIDAS customers are able to run our scheduling software on their provider's "shared" hosting account without issue. But, if you're considering running MIDAS software on a "shared hosting" account, it's always worth checking what restrictions are imposed by your hosting provider first.
You may ultimately find that a VPS, or dedicated server options become a more suitable and reliable choice if you anticipate high usage of your MIDAS booking system.
If you have concerns over whether your current hosting package or provider is suitable, or don't want the expense of running your own VPS or Dedicated server, don't worry - we can "host" your MIDAS system for you at https://your-company.mid.as.
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