Bookings seem to have disappeared - Help!
If bookings seem to be missing from your MIDAS booking system, there's likely to be a logical explanation.This article offers some possible explanations as to why bookings may appear to have "vanished" from your booking system...
The bookings were deleted by another user
Bookings you yourself previously added to your MIDAS system may have since been deleted by another user.You may be able to identify if this is the case by simply navigating to the date where the original booking was, and toggling the display of deleted bookings in the booking grid. If any recently deleted bookings are shown in the grid, you may be able to restore them (current availability permitting) by clicking them and selecting "Restore" from the menu. Also, selecting the "History" tab in the Booking Information Panel and then "hovering" your mouse over the deleted booking in the booking grid will show details in the Info Panel as to when the booking was deleted and by which user.
If you're unable to locate a deleted booking in this way through the booking grid, it may be possible to locate and reinstate it via the Restore Deleted Bookings admin function.
More information may also be available by reviewing the Recent Activity Log. The Recent Activity Log records actions performed by users in your MIDAS system, including booking deletions.
Please note that the Recent Activity Log only keeps records of deleted bookings for a finite period (typically 30 days). If no relevant entry is found in the log, it may be that either the booking was deleted further in the past, or that the user who deleted the booking is set to be "Invisible" (i.e. their actions don't appear in the Recent Activity Log).
It would be worth also taking a few moments to review user permissions for all user account. Ask yourself whether each user with the "Can delete bookings" permission set to "Yes", really needs this, or whether it could be reduced to "Own bookings only" (i.e. rather than being able to delete ANY booking, they can only delete bookings which they themselves added to the system). Also consider whether any user actually needs the "Is invisible" permission, or whether this can be revoked in order to ensure that all activities from all users appear in the Recent Activity Log.
The bookings were deleted by another user
Bookings you previously added may have been modified by another user to instead take place on a different date/time, or a different venue to the original booking.You may be able to identify if this is the case by reviewing the Recent Activity Log. The Recent Activity Log records actions performed by users in your MIDAS system, including booking modifications.
For modified bookings, whilst the Recent Activity Log doesn't include details of booking's original date/time/venue, it does include the new details of the modified booking in terms of it's new date, time, and client. You may click on these entries in the Recent Activity Log to jump to the modified booking in the booking grid. From there, you can use the "History" tab of the Booking Information Panel to view details of who originally added the booking and when.
Please note that the Recent Activity Log only keeps records of modified bookings for a finite period (typically 30 days). If no relevant entry is found in the log, it may be that either the booking was modified further in the past, or that the user who modified the booking is set to be "Invisible" (i.e. their actions don't appear in the Recent Activity Log).
It would be worth also taking a few moments to review user permissions for all user account. Ask yourself whether each user with the "Can modify bookings" permission set to "Yes", really needs this, or whether it could be reduced to "Own bookings only" (i.e. rather than being able to modify ANY booking, they can only modify bookings which they originally added to the system). Also consider whether any user actually needs the "Is invisible" permission, or whether this can be revoked in order to ensure that all activities from all users appear in the Recent Activity Log.
The bookings were "tentative" and have since expired
MIDAS includes a "Tentative Bookings" feature, which allows bookings to be added to the system which are then automatically removed if they're not "confirmed" within a certain time frame. If you added a "Tentative" booking, and it wasn't converted to a confirmed booking by yourself or another user in a timely manner, it will have been automatically removed from MIDAS.To prevent a future recurrence you may therefore wish to disable tentative bookings completely. This may be done via MIDAS Admin Options → Manage MIDAS → Bookings → Enable Tentative Bookings.
The bookings were "requests" which were never approved
MIDAS includes a "Public Booking Request" feature. If enabled, this allows non-users (as well as users with limited booking permissions) to check room availability and submit booking "requests" online. Booking requests must then be approved by an administrative user before being converted into a confirmed booking. If a booking request is not approved before the time at which the booking the request was for would have been due to start, the request will automatically be removed from MIDAS.To minimize the risk of booking requests being automatically removed before they've had a chance to be approved, you may wish to consider setting/increasing the number of days in advance that booking requests must be made. You'll find this setting via MIDAS Admin Options → Manage MIDAS → Public.
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