Posts Tagged: v4.07

MIDAS v4.07 Now Available!

MIDAS v4.07 brings unified Web Based Room Booking and Resource Scheduling across your Desktop, Laptop, Tablet and Mobile Devices!

Room Booking and Resource Scheduling for your Desktop, Laptop, Tablet and Mobile Device
Room Booking and Resource Scheduling for your Desktop, Laptop, Tablet and Mobile Device

We’re excited to announce the availability of the latest version of our web based room booking and resource scheduling software, MIDAS – Version 4.07.

MIDAS v4.07 contains a whole host of new & improved features, many of which are as a direct result of feedback and suggestions from you our customers, and most of which we’ve already been blogging and Tweeting about during August.

So here’s the rundown on exactly what’s new and improved in the latest version of our powerful and intuitive scheduling system:

How To Get MIDAS v4.07

Existing MIDAS customers with valid Annual Support Subscriptions can update to v4.07 from within the software via MIDAS Admin Options → Manage MIDAS → Update.

Customers who have their MIDAS “remotely hosted” by us – you don’t need to do anything – you’ve already been automatically updated to v4.07!

Is your organization not yet using MIDAS for its scheduling needs? Maybe now is the right time to get on top of your room bookings and resource scheduling once and for all with our intuitive, powerful and easy to use, web based software!

So why not give MIDAS a try online now, Read what some of our existing customers say, and get MIDAS working for your organization today!

Keep Your Browser Up-to-date!

Supported BrowsersWe want you to have the best possible user experience when using MIDAS in your favorite Web Browser. We support our web based scheduling software in all major browsers (including Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and Opera). A list of minimum and recommended browser versions can be found at

Version 2 of the MIDAS API is here

Introducing API Version 2…

MIDAS API The MIDAS API is an optional addon for MIDAS, allowing you to interface directly with your MIDAS scheduling system from your own applications.

First introduced just over a year ago, version 1 of the API allowed developers to access and retrieve data from MIDAS.

Version 2 of the API builds on this, and extends the API’s capabilities further by now allowing “bi-directional” access to MIDAS. This means that as well as being able to simply “read” data from MIDAS through the API, developers can now also “write” data to MIDAS, and modify existing data.

Nearly two dozen new API calls have been implemented for API v2, allowing you to:

  • Add, delete or modify bookings, clients, and resources
  • Add, generate, or delete invoices
  • Approve or reject booking requests
  • Email clients
  • Change settings
    …and more!

Full documentation for version 2 of the API is now available online at, and will shortly be available in an offline format too.API v2 will be available to coincide with the upcoming release of MIDAS v4.07, and will a FREE update to existing API users who have an ongoing annual support subscription covering the release of v4.07.

v2 is also backwards compatible with v1 of the API. Existing customers who wish to add the optional API to their MIDAS installation can do so via

New customers can purchase MIDAS along with the optional API addon via


Improved Support For Smaller Screens (including iPhones)

The next significant update to our leader web based room booking and resource scheduling software is just around the corner, and throughout this month, we’re outlining some of the new features and improvements you’ll find in the upcoming v4.07 release….

Improved Support for Smaller Screens

We’ve already previously optimized MIDAS for use on tablet devices (including the iPad), and for v4.07, we’ve further optimized the layout of MIDAS for use on even smaller mobile device screens – such as the iPhone.

Below are some screenshots of MIDAS v4.07 accessed using an iPhone 5 (Click for bigger images)

Best of all – there’s nothing additional to install on your phone/mobile device – there’s no separate “app” to download from the app store – you simply access MIDAS through your device’s web browser. If you’ve got an iOS device, such as an iPhone, you can also add a shortcut to MIDAS directly to your home screen for easy one-touch access to your booking system.

These improvements make MIDAS the ideal scheduling solution for seamless access to your bookings across your desktop, laptop, tablet and mobile devices alike, and it’s supported in all major web browsers too!

Public Booking Request Improvements in v4.07

The next substantial update to our popular web based room booking and resource scheduling software is just around the corner, and so we’re taking the opportunity to outline some of the new features and improvements you can expect to see in the upcoming v4.07 release….

This post covers some of the improvements coming to the Public Booking Request capabilities within MIDAS.

Pre-Populate Selected Dates/Times

Public Booking Request Header

The standard public “Booking Request” process has the following five stages/screens

  1. Select Venue(s)
  2. Select Date(s)
  3. Select Times
  4. Your Details
  5. Finished

When a member of the public makes a booking request for your facilities, they follow these stages in order. In v4.07, we’re giving you much more flexibility, by allowing you to “hard code” venues and/or dates into your public booking request links to allow requestors to “bypass” the first couple of stages using data supplied via your link.

For example, if the Public Booking Request for your MIDAS is https://your_midas_url/request, appending a “?venue=Hall” to the URL/link will jump straight to Stage 2 (Select Date(s)), with the “Hall” venue selected.

Alternatively, appending “?date=YYYYMMDD” to the end of your Public Booking Request URL will preselect the date you pass – Example: appending “?date=20141015” to your public booking request URL will pre-select the 15th October 2014.

You can also pass a combination of both a “venue” AND a “date” parameter at the same time to bypass stages 1 and 2 of the booking request process and jump straight to Stage 3 (Select Times) – Example: “https://your_midas_url/request?venue=Hall&date=20141015

Furthermore, you can optionally pass multiple venues and/or dates by simply separating them with commas. In the following example, “Hall” and “Gymnasium” venues are preselected on 15th and 16th October 2014:


“Remember Me” Option

Remember Details For Next Visit On the “Your Details” stage of the public booking request process, there’s now also a “Remember Me” tick box, allowing the requestor’s browser to optionally remember their details (name, organization, email address) for the next time they make a booking request from the same browser – so they won’t have to manually enter the same information each time.


Custom .css Styling

External Custom CSS We’re also giving you even more control over the “look and feel” of your entire Public Booking Request process, by allowing you to override the default visual “theme” for your MIDAS, and use your own external .CSS style sheet instead! You can specify an external .css style sheet via MIDAS Admin Options → Manage MIDAS → Templates → Web Request