How To Modify A Series Of Bookings
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In this tutorial I'm going to show you how you can modify a series of bookings. So if you take a look in our booking grid here you'll see there's a booking for John Smith, in oom 2, from 10:00 till 1:00 every day over a period of seven days. Now let's say I want to move all of those bookings into a different venue I simply select one of them and select "Modify Similar Bookings". MIDAS will then ask me for a date range of bookings I wish to include in the modification, so you'll see we've got a range there that covers this seven-day period. We can also restrict it to certain venues or certain booking types if we only want to modify particular bookings over a date range. So we then click "Search", and you'll see MIDAS then lists our seven bookings that it's found that are similar to the one we've selected. I can then tick individual boxes if I wish to only modify some of those bookings, or alternatively I can click this box and select all seven of those dates. I then click "Modify Similar Bookings". I'm taken to the Modify Booking screen with all of those seven bookings selected. So they were all in oom 2, we now want to move them to oom 3. So we select oom 3, untick oom 2, check availability and modify - everything looks good, so we go "Book All Available", and you'll see it's moved moved all seven of those bookings now from oom 2 to oom 3. Thanks for watching and be sure to check out some of our other video tutorials online.
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