How to fix 404.17 / 404.3 "Not Found" errors during MIDAS install
If you're attempting to install a self-hosted MIDAS room booking and resource scheduling system on an IIS server and receive one of the below errors when accessing the installer in your browser, this indicates that Perl has not been correctly configured with your IIS server. As such your server doesn't know how to correctly handle Perl scripts:
"HTTP Error 404.17 - Not Found" error with the message "The requested content appears to be a script and will not be served by the static file handler" ...or a:
"HTTP Error 404.3 - Not Found" error with the message "The page you are requesting cannot be served because of the extension configuration. If the page is a script, add a handler. If the file should be downloaded, add a MIME map"
If you're running ActivePerl on your Windows IIS Server a simple tool may be included within your ActivePerl installation called "ap-iis-config". This tool can automatically configure your IIS server for ActivePERL for you. If present, you will find this tool in C:\Perl\Bin (or the location where Perl has been installed on your system).
To run this tool, you will need to open up a command prompt (Start Menu → Run → type "cmd"), navigate to your "Perl\Bin" directory (i.e. by typing "cd\Perl\bin" followed by Enter), and enter the following command:
ap-iis-config.bat add all
This should then add all applicable script mappings for your IIS server to both the root configuration and to the default website.
Once the tool has completed, you will need to restart IIS, after which your server should then correctly handle .pl scripts (such as the MIDAS installer)
If the "ap-iis-config" tool isn't present in your ActivePerl installation, please follow the steps in our How to configure IIS for Perl guide instead.