Work on the latest feature-rich update to our web based room booking and resource scheduling, MIDAS, is nearing completion, and so we’re excited to reveal some of these exciting new and improved features first here on our blog…
As you may be aware, MIDAS is capable of generating a wealth of printable reports, graphs, and statistics allowing you to gain valuable insight into the state of your bookings, venues, clients, invoices, and more.
The Invoicing section of this reporting allows you to see which clients or organizations have been invoiced over any given period, how much has been paid, and how much remains outstanding.
For MIDAS v4.15 we’re improving this reporting to also include an “Un-invoiced Bookings Report”. This new report shows a breakdown of the number of bookings each client/organization has over a given period which have so far not been invoiced for. This is a great way to quickly check whether you’re forgotten to invoice a particular client/organization.

You can check out some of the other reports MIDAS can generate to help you gain insight into your facilities at