Posts Tagged: v4.06

MIDAS v4.06 Now Available!

We’re excited to announce the availability of MIDAS v4.06!

Some of the highlights of this latest update to powerful web based room and resource scheduling software include…

Flexible Venue Rates

Charge your rooms at different rates based upon the length of bookings…

Flexible Venue Rates

Improved Statistics & Reporting

New Venue Utilization, Resource Usage, and individual Client statistics…

Improved Statistics & Reporting

Active Directory Integration

Provides seamless “Single Sign-on” capabilities for MIDAS using your organization’s Active Directory

Active Directory Integration

…and much more, including:

  • New: Resource statistics
  • New: Set different venue rates based upon booking length for each day of the week
  • New: User “groups” – Easily apply a set of pre-defined permissions to each user
  • New: Day Notes for any selected dates are now indicated and shown on the Booking Availability screen
  • New: Active Directory Integration (Single Sign-On support) (Experimental)
  • New: Database Tools – Import, merge, clean up & optimize your database!
  • Improved: New venue utilization statistics
  • Improved: New individual client statistics
  • Improved: Now possible to set venue operating hours to be closed between 15-30, 30-45, and 15-45 minutes past the hour
  • Improved: MIDAS now remembers your last selected date range on the statistics screen and the Find Similar Bookings window
  • Improved: Increased the size of some setting elements to make them more easy to change on smaller screens
  • Improved: Month overview now has previous/next month buttons
  • Improved: Monthly overview now shows name of month/year at the top of the screen
  • Improved: Client Notes now displayed in Search Results
  • Improved: Axis swapped for venue capacities statistics
  • Optimization: Big reduction in number of MySQL connections & queries
  • Fixed: Cumulative roll-up of various fixes for issues discovered since v4.05

You can view the full Changelog for MIDAS v4.06 here

Keep Your Browser Up-to-date!

Supported Browsers

We want you to have the best possible user experience when using MIDAS in your favorite Web Browser. MIDAS is supported in all 5 major browsers (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and Opera). A list of the minimum and recommended versions for each of these browsers we support can be found at

How To Get MIDAS v4.06

Existing MIDAS customers with valid Annual Support Subscriptions can update to v4.06 from within the software (MIDAS Admin Options → Manage MIDAS → Update)

Customers who have their MIDAS “remotely hosted” by us – you don’t need to do anything – We’ll be automatically updating you to MIDAS v4.06 this weekend!

If you’re not yet using MIDAS, maybe now is the time to get on top of your organization’s room and resource scheduling once and for all with our intuitive, powerful and easy to use, web based software MIDAS!?

Why not give MIDAS a try now, Read what some of our existing customers say, and get MIDAS for your organization today!.

Improved Statistics and Reports

We’re improving the statistics/reports that MIDAS can generate for you in v4.06 with three exciting new additions:

Venue Utilization Statistics

Venue Utilization Report
Venue Utilization Report

The new Venue Utilization report shows you the amount of usage that each venue has over a period of time. It will tell you for how many hours each venue is booked out of the total amount of hours available (taking into account the venue’s hours of operation too!), and give you a percentage utilization figure too!

Resource Statistics

Resource Statistics Report
Resource Statistics Report

The brand new Resource Statistics section generates a report into your resources (equipment, consumables, and staffing) over a period of time. It provides details of the number of each resource in use during that period, and an estimate of the income potential from each. In addition, the report indicates the current totals of all resources (as well as unique resources) in your MIDAS, and also provides an insight into the most “watched” resources.

Individual Client Statistics

Individual Client Report
Individual Client Report

Improvements to Client reports now mean that with v4.06 you can see detailed reports for each individual client. These reports show when the client was added to the system, how many bookings and invoices they have, the dates/times of their first, previous, next and last bookings (which can be clicked to jump directly to those bookings). The report also calculates the total combined length of all the client’s bookings, as well as the average length of their bookings

New Flexible Venue Rates

We’re introducing even more flexibility when it comes to setting your venue rates in MIDAS v4.06!

Currently, you can already set up hourly/daily rates for each of your rooms, and have different rates depending upon the day of the week.

In MIDAS v4.06, we’ve extended this to also allow you to define rates based upon the length of the booking as well!

For example, you can now set up a venue’s rates so that bookings lasting say less than 4 hours could be charged and invoiced at a higher rate than those lasting more than 4 hours.

You can also now define rates as “per booking” as well as “per hour” and “per day”. The new “per booking” option charges a fixed set amount for bookings.

Flexible Venue Rates
Flexible Venue Rates

So, as per the above screenshot, let’s say you define the following rates for “Meeting Room 1”:

  • $100 per hour for bookings lasting 1+ hours
  • $80 per hour for bookings lasting 4+ hours
  • $450 per booking for bookings lasting 6+ hours

Bookings for “Meeting Room 1” would then be charged as follows:

Length of BookingTotal Charge
1h$100 ($100 x 1)
2h$200 ($100 x 2)
3h$300 ($100 x 3)
4h$320 ($80 x 4)
5h$400 ($80 x 5)
6h$450 ($450)
7h$450 ($450)
8h$450 ($450)

We believe this additional flexibility when it comes to charging and invoicing for use of your venues will be great benefit to our customers. Of course, for those who don’t require this level of flexibility, MIDAS can be simply set to charge a single rate for “all bookings”:

Setting a single Venue Rate
Setting a single Venue Rate

Active Directory Integration

Room Scheduling Software with Active Directory IntegrationThe most popular suggestion on our Feature Request page in recent times has been a desire for integration between MIDAS and an Active Directory allowing single sign-on to MIDAS using a user’s current system credentials.

We have been working to bring such integration to MIDAS for some time, and we are now pleased to announce that integration with an Active Directory will be possible starting with our forthcoming update to MIDAS, v4.06.

So, instead of a user having to log in twice (once to their computer, and then again when they open MIDAS), MIDAS can instead authenticate against your organization’s Active Directory, meaning users logged onto your network can simply open MIDAS and be seamlessly logged in each time!

Please Note: Active Directory integration will only be available if you’re running MIDAS on your own server (our “self-hosted” edition), and your MIDAS is licensed for “Unlimited” users.

We’re currently looking for beta testes who meet the above requirements (i.e. currently running a “self hosted” MIDAS with “Unlimited” users) who would be interested in testing integration between MIDAS and their Active Directory. If this is you, please contact us for more information.

Also, if you’re interested in Active Directory integration when it becomes publicly available with MIDAS v4.06, you can get a head start by making sure your infrastructure is ready with our Active Directory Integration Test Tool and by referring to the dedicated Active Directory Integration Documentation.