Posts Tagged: invoice

Apply Refunds To Invoices

There’s a whole host of new features in MIDAS v4.25. One area that’s had a big overhaul for this update is invoicing.

In this post we’ll take a look at the new “Refund” enhancement to the invoicing capabilities of our software.

MIDAS now allows you to apply either a partial or full refund to an invoice. This is done by viewing an invoice which has had a payment made against it, and clicking the “Refund Invoice” icon. This in turn opens up the following dialog box:

Apply a refund to an invoice
Apply a refund to an invoice

Here, you can enter an amount of refund up to the value already paid against the invoice. Optionally you can choose to have the refund amount applied as a client credit (to be deducted from their next invoice), and also optionally raise a Credit Note.

It’s important to note that refunding an invoice either in whole or in part won’t actually refund/reverse any monetary transaction your client has already made. The ability to refund in MIDAS is purely for your record keeping. Physical refunds would still need to be manually processed where applicable.

These are just a few of the new and improved features for MIDAS v4.25. Please see this post for details of other new features you’ll find in v4.25.

Reddit You can also ask questions and discuss the new features of v4.25 over on Reddit.

Flexible Invoice Terms

There’s a whole host of new features in MIDAS v4.25. One area that’s had a big overhaul for this update is invoicing.

In this post we’ll look at the improvements we’re making in relation to invoicing terms.

In earlier versions of our software, you could set default Payment Terms – the number of days you allow your clients to pay their invoices before they’re deemed to be “overdue”.

Default Invoice Payment Terms in MIDAS
Default Invoice Payment Terms in MIDAS

We’re providing even more flexibility for v4.25 by allowing each invoice to have its own Payment Terms. By default, the global Payment Terms you’ve configured will be applied to new invoices, however, when manually creating or modifying an invoice, you may change this value specifically for that invoice:

Set a bespoke Payment Term when creating/modifying an invoice
Set a bespoke Payment Term when creating/modifying an invoice

Payment Terms are important, as they allow MIDAS to display due dates for your invoices. They also allow MIDAS to be able to send automated reminders to clients before their invoices are due to be paid, or overdue reminders for late payments.

These are just a few of the new and improved features for MIDAS v4.25. Please see this post for details of other new features you’ll find in v4.25.

Reddit You can also ask questions and discuss the new features of v4.25 over on Reddit.

Invoice Tax Improvements

There’s a whole host of new features in MIDAS v4.25. One area that’s had a big overhaul for this update is invoicing.

In this post we’ll look at some of the improvements in relation to tax handling on invoices.

In earlier versions of our software, you could set a tax rate which would apply to invoice total amounts. At the same time, we provided options to allow you to set individual clients as tax exempt.

We’re providing even more tax flexibility for v4.25, including:

Individual Venue Tax Rates

Each venue can have its own rate of tax applied to it. This allows you to set different tax rates for different venues.

Setting a Tax rate for an individual venue
Setting a Tax rate for an individual venue

Individual Resource Tax Rates

Each resource item can also have its own rate of tax applied to it. This allows you to set different tax rates for resources.

Setting a Tax rate for a Resource
Setting a Tax rate for a Resource

Per-Item Tax Rates

Whereas previously a single rate of tax was applied to an entire invoice, from v4.25, each line on an invoice can have its own tax rate. Each line on an invoice contains the following elements: Item Description, Item Quantity, Item Rate, Tax Rate, and Amount. The invoice summary section will show details of the tax amounts applied to the invoice total.

Each invoice item can have its own tax rate applied
Each invoice item can have its own tax rate applied

Toggle Amounts Display inc/ex Tax

Calculation of the values shown in the “Amount” is automatic based on quantity, rates, and tax of the line item. When creating or modifying an invoice, clicking on the “Amount” column header will toggle the display of amounts inclusive or exclusive of tax.

Toggle the display of item amounts inclusive or exclusive of tax
Toggle the display of item amounts inclusive or exclusive of tax

We’ve also added a “Show amounts excluding Tax?” admin setting to control the default display of amounts. This setting is located under MIDAS Admin Options → Manage MIDAS → Invoicing.

Set Tax Rates for Deposit and Cancellation Invoices

We’ve also added admin settings to allow specific tax rates to be applied to Deposit and Cancellation invoices respectively. Previously, these invoice types applied tax at the global tax rate you’d defined. Now they can each have their own unique rate.

Set a Tax rate to apply to deposit invoices
Set a Tax rate to apply to deposit invoices

These are just a few of the new and improved features for MIDAS v4.25. Please see this post for details of other new features you’ll find in v4.25.

Reddit You can also ask questions and discuss the new features of v4.25 over on Reddit.

Invoicing Improvements

The forthcoming update to MIDAS – our popular room booking and resource scheduling system – includes a handful of small, but nonetheless useful, updates and improvements to the extensive Invoicing capabilities of the software.

We often receive ideas and suggestions from our customers as to what new features and improvements they’d like to see. May of these suggestions relate to the invoicing capabilities of MIDAS. Taking these on board, our next update (v4.19) will feature…

A new “View Only” option for the “Can use invoicing” user permission

Existing MIDAS administrators will know of the powerful set of permissions that can assigned to accounts on a per-user basis.

One of the available permissions is the “Can use invoicing” setting. This setting allows administrators to allow/deny each user the ability access to MIDAS’ Invoicing features.

Previously, this permission had three possible settings:

  • No – User has no access to any of the invoicing features
  • Yes – User has full access to all of the invoicing features
  • Limited – User may create/generate invoices, but may only view/modify/delete invoices which they created/generated. (They will not have access to invoices added by other users)

For v4.19 we’re adding a forth option to this permission – “View Only“. User’s who’s “Can use invoicing” permission has been set to “View Only” will be able to view all invoices, but will not be able to modify, delete, email or print them, nor will they be able to generate or create new invoices.

This new option is useful to organizations who wish to grant “read only” access to their invoices, for example, for the purposes of auditing.

Exporting invoice summaries in Excel format will format “Invoice Dates” as Excel dates (rather than as text)

In the previous update to MIDAS (v4.18), we introduced the ability to export invoice summaries in native Excel (.xlsx) format.

We’re made a small improvement to this for v4.19. Invoice dates will now be formatted as Excel dates rather than as regular text strings.

This allows for easier manipulation/format of dates when viewing your exported invoice summaries in Excel.

Tax Amount and Grand Total fields become editable

After generating or create a new invoice in MIDAS, its contents may be modified prior to “finalizing” it. A “Finalized” invoice is one which has been printed/emailed to the client.

When editing invoices, by default, MIDAS will automatically re-calculate totals when you make changes. For example, if you charge $50/hour for room hire and you’ve invoiced for 2 hours, the line total on the invoice would be $100. If you then manually change the quantity from 2 to 3 hours, MIDAS will automatically re-calculate the line total of the invoice to $150, and the grand total of the invoice accordingly.

A small “Calculate Totals” tick box is present when modifying invoices. If un-ticked this will prevent MIDAS from automatically calculating totals, allowing you to specify manual amounts if necessary.

However, in earlier version, with the “Calculate Totals” box un-ticked whilst you could modify item rates, quantities, line totals, and tax rate, the tax amount value and grand total values would still be automatically calculated and couldn’t be manually adjusted.

We’ve changed this for v4.19 so that when the “Calculate Totals” box un-ticked, you’ll be able to manually modify the value of any field on your invoice.

We’ve also made one other small change relating to invoices for v4.19. This relates to the way that a client’s “Paid in Full” and “Outstanding” invoices were displayed in the Booking Information Panel.

Previously, these lists were sorted in ascending order. This meant that the client’s oldest paid invoice would appear at the top of the list “Paid in Full” list of invoices.

We’ve changed this sort behavior to descending order for v4.19. Now, the client’s most recently paid/outstanding invoices will be shown at the top (rather than the end) of each respective list.

Click here to continue reading about some of the other new & improved features in MIDAS v4.19!