Posts Tagged: browser

Opera 12 Released!

Opera 12Hot on last week’s rumors that Opera may soon be acquired by Facebook, the Opera Software team have today released Opera 12. This is available for Windows, Mac and Linux operating systems.

The Opera browser has been around for quite some time now. In fact, Opera version 1 was released way back in 1994! Back then, the browser was available for Microsoft Windows only.

Opera was one of the earliest browsers to introduce features such as tabbed browsing, pop-up blocking, and integrated search. In the early 2000s, Opera gained popularity among tech enthusiasts and power users, particularly in Europe.

Later versions were made available for other operating systems such as macOS, Linux, and various mobile operating systems.

Since then, Opera has retained a small, but loyal following. It is the least used of the 5 major browsers. That said, Opera 12 sees a major update to the browser, both in terms of performance and compliance with standards such as HTML5. So it’s certainly worth a closer look!

As part of our ongoing commitment to MIDAS, the latest version of our browser-based scheduling app – as well as our upcoming MIDAS v4 release – is fully compatible with this new Opera release!

Opera may be downloaded from

Firefox 13 out now, IE10 updated, Chrome beats IE, and Facebook to purchase Opera!?

Well, it’s been a busy few days in the web browser world! We’ll try and summarize what’s been happening for you!

Internet Explorer 10 Updated

Internet Explorer 10On Thursday, Microsoft released Windows 8 Release Preview. Along with it came an update to their Internet Explorer 10 browser. This is the browser that will ship when Windows 8 is fully released later this year. Sadly, IE10 isn’t currently available for Windows 7, but we very much hope it will be before too long, as IE10 sees some significant leaps forward for Microsoft’s browser.

Firefox 13 Out Now

Firefox 13The latest version of Firefox – version 13 – is now available to download from Mozilla (even though it’s not “officially” released until tomorrow!). Notable changes in this version, according to Mozilla, relate to the “Home” and “Tabs” pages. The “home” page can now be customized with bookmarks, history, sync, and previous session data. The “new tabs” page has also seen a feature introduce that has been knocking around in Chrome and Opera for a while. This feature shows thumbnails of recently/commonly viewed pages

Chrome overtakes Internet Explorer

Chrome more popular than IEStatcounter also reported recently that Google Chrome has now overtaken Internet Explorer in terms of market share. According to StatCounter, Chrome now accounts for 32.76% of the worldwide browser market. This compares to 31.94% for Internet Explorer and 25.47% for Firefox. This is the first time that a browser other than Internet Explorer has commanded the largest share of the browser market. Ok, so it’s not a massive lead – in fact, Chrome’s lead is only 0.82%. Still, this is quite an achievement for a relatively new browser, which was first launched less than 4 years ago!

Facebook to purchase Opera?

Opera 12It’s also been rumored this past week that Facebook may be gearing up to buy the Opera browser!
That’s according to a report from The article claims (via unnamed sources) that Facebook is looking to purchase Opera Software. Opera Software are the makers of the long-running Opera web browser. Details are sketchy, but the story claims that Facebook is looking to compete in the web browser war that already has Microsoft, Google, Apple and Mozilla among its big players.

The Opera web browser has historically always had the smallest market share of any of the 5 major desktop browsers. That said, Opera has gained some ground most notably in the mobile web browser market. Facebook is currently very focused on the “mobile” side of their operations. This is due to an increasing number of users regularly using Facebook on their mobile devices. So, Facebook could be about to purchase Opera Software as a shortcut towards making a browser that could compete in the smartphone and tablet space?

The Facebook purchase could actually be very good for the Opera browser. Such a move has the potential to become much more of a “threat” to the other 4 browsers. This in turn will likely see increased development, competition, and a race to strive to produce the fastest, most “standards compliant” browser.

We’ve been closely monitoring Opera developments in recent months. Opera Software are about to release Opera 12, and we’ve been impressed with what we’ve seen so far from the nightly developer “snapshots”. Opera 12 is a substantial improvement on Opera 11 – it’s faster, and far more standard-compliant

MIDAS Booking Software is compatible ALL major browsers

Our browser-based software, MIDAS, is fully supported on Internet Explorer (including on IE10 in Windows 8), Firefox (including v13), Opera (including v12), as well as the current versions of Safari and Chrome.

…and there’s still time to take advantage of our very special Diamond Jubilee discount!

Google Chrome 19 Released!

Google Chrome 19The Google Chrome team have today announced the release of Chrome 19 for Windows, Mac and Linux operating systems.

As part of our ongoing commitment to MIDAS, the latest version of our scheduling software is also fully compatible with this new release of Google Chrome!

How to update Google Chrome

If you’re an existing Google Chrome user, you don’t need to do anything! One of the great things about Chrome (which other browsers are now starting to implement too!) is that it silently updates itself with no user interaction (other than a restart!) required. This ensures that you’re always using the most stable, secure and up-to-date version of Google Chrome!

We also test our web app in pre-release builds “developer” builds of Google Chrome! Testing in these builds (which right now are for Chrome 20!) helps us to identify as early as possible any potential incompatibilities. This means you can be sure that whenever a new version of Chrome (or any of the 5 major browsers) is released, MIDAS will be compatible with from the get-go!

Google Chrome for iOS?

In other Chrome-related news, rumors are currently brewing that a version of Chrome is in the works for iOS. So if you have an iPhone or an iPad, you may soon be able to use Google Chrome on your device!

Business Insider reports that Chrome could be released for iOS devices as soon as the end of June, but definitely sometime by the end of 2012. As yet, neither Apple nor Google have confirmed this report.

However, if the reports are true, this will undoubtedly be welcome news for iOS users, who so far have had little choice but to use the default browser on their iOS devices – Apple’s own “Safari” browser. Giving users the option to use a different browser is a big step forward – but so far it’s unknown if Apple will allow an iOS version of Chrome to actually be set as a “default” browser for the iPad/iPhone.

…and whilst we’re still on the subject of touch-enabled devices, such as the iPad, read about our upcoming improvements to support for touch screens

Firefox 12 released and Mozilla drops support for Firefox 3

Firefox 12
Today sees the release of another significant browser update from Mozilla – Firefox 12. You can find out what’s new in the Release Notes for Firefox 12!

Today also marks the date when Mozilla are officially no longer supporting Firefox 3.6. Announcing this news last month, Mozilla urged everyone to update to at least version 4 saying “We strongly advise our users to upgrade from Firefox 3.6, as they will no longer receive critical security updates as of April 24th”

Our browser based booking app, MIDAS continues to run in Firefox 3.6 although we always strongly recommend using the most up-to-date browser version. You can find a list of which browsers and versions are supported on our Browser Requirements page.

Whilst the current version of MIDAS (v3.15) will run on Firefox 3.6, now that Mozilla no longer support Firefox 3.6, we will also be dropping support for Firefox 3.6 with our next update to MIDAS. We’re talk more about this in subsequent posts, so watch this space!

So if for some reason you’re still using Firefox 3.6, now’s the time to update your browser!