We’re adding a couple of cool new features to the print functionality in MIDAS for the next release of our web based room booking and resource scheduling software, v4.16.
New Advanced Print Filter
MIDAS already features a wealth of advanced print options. These may be accessed by right/long clicking the “Print” toolbar icon. They include the ability to print bookings over a custom date range and limit printouts of bookings to only include those taking place in certain venues or which are of specific booking types.
For v4.16, we’re adding an additional “Advanced Filter”:

This will allow you to only include bookings within your printout that match (or not) the value of certain fields. You can also match against any custom booking fields you’ve set up. You’ll be able to select a booking field from a drop-down list, select a match type, and a match string.
Match types available include:
- Equals – Will include bookings where the selected booking field’s value exactly matches the string you enter
- Does Not Equal – Will include bookings where the selected booking field’s value doesn’t exactly matches the string you enter
- Contains – Will include bookings where the selected booking field’s value contains an occurrence of the string you enter
- Does Not Contain – Will include bookings where the selected booking field’s value contains no occurrences of the string you enter
- Begins With – Will include bookings where the selected booking field’s value begins with the string you enter
- Ends With – Will include bookings where the selected booking field’s value ends with the string you enter
- Is Greater Than – Will include bookings where the selected booking field’s numeric value is higher than the value you enter
- Is Less Than – Will include bookings where the selected booking field’s numeric value is higher than the value you enter
So, for example, you could generate a printout which only includes booking where there are more than 10 people attending. Or you could generate a printout which excludes any bookings that have “exclude from printing” in their booking notes, etc.
A “Case Sensitive” option is also available allowing you to optionally make string matches case-sensitive.
But that’s not all….
Limit Resource Category When Printing Bookings With Resources In “Grid” Layouts
The Advanced Print settings window in MIDAS allows you to choose between two different print layouts – a “table” layout and a “grid” layout.
If “grid” layout is selected, bookings are printed in a “grid”, with venues listed vertically, and each date shown across the horizontal axis. You can further specify a field you’d like to be shown within each grid cell. For instance, selecting “Booking Types” would create a printout indicating the types of bookings taking place in your venues over the selected date range.
The ability to select “Resources” as the field to show on these printouts has long been available. However, for v4.16 we’ve also introduced “Resources (Equipment)”, “Resources (Consumables)” and “Resources (Staffing)” options, allowing you to further drill-down the resources on your print-outs.

These new options provide a some great new possibilities! For example, selecting a “Resources (Staffing)” grid printout, will generate a printout of which venues, dates, and times your staff are assigned to.
Click here to continue reading about some of the other new & improved features coming in MIDAS v4.16!