Over 75 new Video Tutorials available on-demand!

Over the past weekend, we’ve published nearly 80 brand new, concise, and easy to follow video tutorials… and best of all, they’re all FREE!

The original dozen or so tutorial videos we produced a number of years ago now regularly receive great praise from our customers, so we thought it was about time to overhaul and update these great resources for MIDAS users! (Along of course with complete help documentation that’s available both online and offline, an extensive Knowledge Base, and responsive support!)

These short new “How To” videos guide you step-by-step through all areas of MIDAS, and because they’re on-demand, you can watch them again and again to learn your way around MIDAS at your own pace.

We’ve broken these exciting new tutorials down into key topic areas, covering Getting Started; Bookings; Clients; Users; Venues; Printing; Email; Invoicing; Resources; Searching; Messages, Notifications, Watches, and Reminders; Public Features; Settings; Import/Export; and Security.

You’ll find a complete list of all these video tutorials and be able to watch them online at https://mid.as/tutorials

If you’re brand new to MIDAS, here’s just one of our new “How To” tutorial videos on finding your way around the user interface:

How to find your way around MIDAS

…and speaking of finding your way around the MIDAS interface, there’s a built-in “Quick Tour” coming with our next update to MIDAS too! Read More…

In the meantime, we hope that you’ll find our new “How To” video tutorials really useful!

As well as finding our video tutorials on our main website, you’ll also find them on YouTube and DailyMotion too!

New Quick Tour of the User Interface

One of the things we’re really proud of is the extensive sources of help we make available to our customers.

This includes complete both online help documentation and downlodable and printable manuals (in PDF format). We also have a host of easy to follow, step-by-step video tutorials. Furthermore, we’ve complied an extensive Knowledge Base containing answers to many common questions.

In the addition to this wealth of self-help resources, for the forthcoming release of MIDAS v4.16, we’re also adding an optional “Quick Tour” of the user interface within MIDAS itself:

Optional Quick Tour upon first login

Upon the very first login by a user to MIDAS, they’ll be presented with an option to take a quick tour.

Quick Tour of the Booking Information Panel

The Quick Tour will outline all the key elements to their MIDAS screen, which they can step through at their own pace.

Quick Tour of the Manage MIDAS settings

The tour will also describe the function of each toolbar icon that’s available to the user.

Additional Sources of Help

The Quick Tour can be closed at any point, and won’t be shown again the next time the user logs in.

Initially, the Quick Tour will only be available to new users running MIDAS under one of the English language variations. It will also only be shown on Tablet, Laptop, or Desktop devices. It won’t currently be shown on very small mobile device screens.

Improvements in Importing Data

We’ve made a number of improvements for the upcoming v4.16 release of our MIDAS software when it comes to importing data from 3rd party calendars/booking systems, namely:

1) Faster importing of CSV data

We’ve managed to significantly improve the import speed of CSV data, which in previous versions could become very slow/sluggish depending upon a combination of settings in MIDAS and the amount of data being imported

2) Improved CSV support

MIDAS v4.16 now better handles instances where CSV data fields themselves contained a record delimiting character.

For example, take the following CSV (Comma Separated Values) line:

Item 1,Item 2,Item 3,"Item 4a, Item 4b",Item 5

Previously MIDAS would incorrectly analyze the 4th item as being two separate data items, “Item 4a” and “Item 4b”, instead of a single data record.

This behavior is now corrected when importing data into MIDAS v4.16.

3) Support for importing bookings with resources

Until now, whilst you could import bookings into MIDAS, it was not possible to “map” data – including resources – to the resources database within MIDAS.

We’ve addressed this for v4.16 and you can import resources along within your booking data.

To be able to import resources along with your bookings, you’ll need to ensure that your resource data falls within a single “column” in your CSV data file. MIDAS will then parse this data and attempt to determine the applicable resource and quantity.

For example, if you wish to import a booking which has two laptops and one data projector assigned to it, your CSV data field for this should be in one of the following supported formats:

  • “2 Laptop, 1 Projector”
  • “2 Laptop; 1 Projector”
  • “x2 Laptop, x1 Projector”
  • “x2 Laptop; x1 Projector”
  • “2x Laptop, 1x Projector”
  • “2x Laptop; 1x Projector”
  • “2No. Laptop, 1No. Projector”
  • “2No. Laptop; 1No. Projector”

Click here to continue reading about some of the other new & improved features coming in MIDAS v4.16!

New Advanced Invoice Generation Filter

If you follow our blog, you’ll already be aware of some of the exciting new features on the horizon with MIDAS v4.16. Our previous post looked at new filter options when it comes to generating printouts of your bookings.

We’re also adding a similar filter when it comes to generating invoices from your bookings:

Advanced Invoice Generation Filter
Advanced Invoice Generation Filter

This provides additional flexibility to allow you to only generate invoices which include bookings that match specific filter criteria.

For example, as per the screenshot above, you can generate invoices only for bookings which have more than ten attendees.

The advanced filter allows you to choose a booking field (including any custom booking fields you’ve set up), select a match type, and enter a match string.

Match types available include:

  • Equals – Will include bookings where the selected booking field’s value exactly matches the string you enter.
  • Does Not Equal – Will include bookings where the selected booking field’s value doesn’t exactly match the string you enter.
  • Contains – Will include bookings where the selected booking field’s value contains an occurrence of the string you enter.
  • Does Not Contain – Will include bookings where the selected booking field’s value contains no occurrences of the string you enter.
  • Begins With – Will include bookings where the selected booking field’s value begins with the string you enter.
  • Ends With – Will include bookings where the selected booking field’s value ends with the string you enter.
  • Is Greater Than – Will include bookings where the selected booking field’s numeric value is higher than the value you enter.
  • Is Less Than – Will include bookings where the selected booking field’s numeric value is higher than the value you enter.

These powerful new filter options for both printout and invoice generation offer a whole new level of flexibility to your MIDAS system, and we’re sure they’ll be put to great use by our customers!

Click here to continue reading about some of the other new & improved features coming in MIDAS v4.16!