New Custom “Checkbox” (tick box) Booking Field

MIDAS booking systems incorporate a set of basic booking fields enabled by default. These allow you to capture the type of booking, the number of attendees, resources, and booking notes. That’s in addition to the space being booked (the “venue”), the date/time, and client details.

These booking fields can be re-ordered as well as made optional or required. They may also be selectively hidden from individual users.

MIDAS also offers even more flexible control by allowing you to add your own “custom” booking fields as well!

A variety of different custom booking field types may be added to MIDAS, including:

Last year, we expanded the types of custom booking fields available. This included the addition of a new “Range” (or “slider”) custom booking field type.

For MIDAS v4.18, we’re adding a further custom booking field type to the available range, with the introduction of a custom “Checkbox” (tick box) booking field type:

Custom Checkbox/Tickbox Booking Field
Custom Checkbox (Tickbox) Booking Field

When adding a new “Checkbox” custom booking field to MIDAS, you’ll be able to title it, specify whether the box should be “checked” (ticked) by default, and also whether the checkbox is required to be checked/ticked in order to proceed in adding/modifying/requesting the booking.

This new custom booking field and associated options will certainly find uses in a variety of applications. For example, it will now be easy for MIDAS users to ensure that their hirers/customers have accepted any Terms & Conditions of Hire, etc before making their request/booking.

Click here to continue reading about some of the other new & improved features in MIDAS v4.18!

Re-Launching our Affiliate Program

You could earn over $2,000 for every new customer you refer to MIDAS!

A large portion of our customers discover MIDAS as a direct result of the positive experiences of our web based room booking and resource scheduling software and unrivaled customer support to match.

Other customers find us through search engines, or through referral links.

Way back in 2011, we launched our own “Affiliate Program“, with the aim of showing our appreciation to those who refer new customers to us through commission payments.

Now, at the start of a new year, we’re relaunching our Affiliate Program with a whole host of improvements!

Earn CommissionBecome a MIDAS Affiliate today and you could soon be earning an impressive 30% commission on every new sale that arises from your referrals!

What is a MIDAS Affiliate?

An Affiliate is someone who promotes our room booking and resource scheduling software through referral links to our site and in return is rewarded by earning a commission from every referral that results in a new sale.

Can anyone become an Affiliate?

Yes! Whether you’re an existing MIDAS customer or not, as long as you have a PayPal account (into which your commissions will be paid), anyone may become an Affiliate and start earning commission. Not yet with PayPal? No Problem! Get a FREE PayPal account now!

Alternatively, if you are an existing MIDAS customer, you can opt to take your referral commissions as account credits instead, which reduce future Annual Support Subscription renewal costs, license upgrades, or addons for your MIDAS system.

How does it work?

Once your application has been approved, you will be assigned a unique “Affiliate ID” which you can include in all your links back to our site. We’ll even provide you with a range of text and image links to choose from, or you can use your own! Our website tracks visits that have originated via your affiliate links, and if someone you refer then goes on to purchase a cloud-hosted or self-hosted edition of MIDAS within 60 days, you will earn a commission!

Total ReferralsCommission RateYou Could Earn Up To*
1 – 25%$377 USD per referral
3 – 510%$755 USD per referral
6 – 1015%$1,132 USD per referral
11 – 1520%$1,510 USD per referral
16+30%$2,265 USD per referral
*Actual referral earnings are dependent upon MIDAS edition & associated options purchased by those you refer to our site, and may also vary day to day due to fluctuations in global currency exchange rates. Maximum referral commission amounts show are indicative only and were correct at time of publication

Can I track my referrals?

Yes, we’ll send you a monthly report by email detailing the number of referrals you’ve accumulated so far, and how many of these referrals have led to actual sales!

It’s absolutely FREE to join… so Apply Now!

Full Terms & Conditions may be found here

MIDAS v4.17 Out Now!

A very Happy Christmas from MIDAS HQ!

Whilst many businesses shut down over the Christmas period, we also appreciate that many of our customer’s businesses remain open this time of year. That’s why our Priority Support remains available across the festive season to those customers with active Annual Support subscriptions!

We’re also excited to announce our latest update to MIDAS, v4.17 is now available!

Here’s What’s New & Improved in v4.17:

  • New: Custom resource categories
  • New: Ability to set a default booking type
  • New: Ability to control which booking types are available on public booking/request screens
  • New: Optional “Custom Links” addon
  • New: Option to exclude tentative bookings on the Advanced Print Settings dialog
  • Improved: Booking watch notifications under My Messages can now be clicked to jump to triggering booking
  • Improved: Invoice summary screen now indicates recently overdue invoices
  • Improved: The Pending Booking Requests screen now indicates the number of venues you’re assigned to be a manager of
  • Improved: Print Client’s Bookings dialog now retains options for next time
  • Improved: Clicking on variables from the list on the Manage Template screen now inserts variable at current caret position in template code (previously inserted at the end)
  • Optimization: Code optimization
  • Fixed: Cumulative roll-up of various fixes for issues discovered since v4.16

How To Get MIDAS v4.17…


We are committed to fair and accessible pricing for all organizations regardless of size. We’re totally upfront and transparent about our pricing structure, and you can purchase MIDAS v4.17 securely through our website and be up and running in no time!

“Self Hosted” Customers:

Self-Hosted customers with ongoing Annual Support Subscriptions will be able to update to v4.17 in the coming days. It only takes a couple of clicks – simply log in to your MIDAS system and go to MIDAS Admin Options → Manage MIDAS → Update

“Cloud Hosted” Customers:

Cloud-Hosted customers don’t need to do anything! – All our active Cloud-Hosted MIDAS customers have now been automatically updated to the latest version of MIDAS!

We’ve plenty more exciting updates in the pipeline for 2018, so watch this space!

In the meantime, whatever you’re up to this festive season, we wish you a very happy and peaceful time with friends, family, and loved ones.

New Custom Links Addon

MIDAS has a growing range of optional “addons” available. These extend the capabilities of your booking and scheduling system with additional features and functionality.

To coincide with the v4.17 update to MIDAS, we’ll also be launching a brand new “Custom Links” addon. This new optional addon is based upon feedback we’ve received from some of our customers.

Customers have expressed the desire to be able to add their own custom links after the standard “Logout”, “Change Password”, “Help” and “Full Screen” links underneath the main date near the top of the screen when logged in:

Standard links when logged into MIDAS
Standard links when logged into MIDAS

Our new “Custom Links” addon allows administrators to do just that! They can add up to three additional custom links for logged-in users:

MIDAS Custom Links Addon
MIDAS Custom Links Addon

Administrators can specify the URL to the web page or resource to link to. A name for the link as it will appear on screen can also be set. Furthermore, administrators can specify whether each link should open in a new tab/window, or within the main booking grid area:

Custom link to Wikipedia opened within MIDAS
Custom link to Wikipedia opened within MIDAS
Custom link to an Accuweather forecast opened within MIDAS
Custom link to an Accuweather forecast opened within MIDAS

A note about opening custom links in the booking grid area:

Some 3rd party websites prevent their content from being directly embedded within other websites/apps. In such instances, you would need to specify that your custom link opens in a new window instead.

As mentioned, the new Custom Links addon is expected to become available with the upcoming release of v4.17. In the meantime be sure to also check out some of our other exciting addons available for MIDAS at