MIDAS v4.20 Out Now!

Earlier this month we released the latest update (v4.20) to our MIDAS room booking and resource scheduling software!

For this latest update, our main focus has been on updating and improving some of the visual elements of MIDAS, which you can read about in more depth in our previous post. We’ve also introduced a new addon for Microsoft Teams, as well as making several small improvements to MIDAS and also squashed 17 bugs that were discovered since the previous v4.19 release (don’t worry, no actual living bugs were harmed!).

Here’s What’s New & Improved in v4.20:

  • New: Honeycomb, Squares, and Wood visual themes
  • New: Drag & Drop Duplicate/Reschedule touch screen support
  • Improved: Visual themes now all include high-resolution SVG icons
  • Improved: Browser performance when loading data in the Client tab of the Booking Information Panel
  • Improved: After generating invoices from existing bookings, the invoicing screen now refreshes to show newly created invoices
  • Improved: Pending Booking Request screen will no longer show booking fields which have been hidden
  • Change: Bulk modifying venues no longer bulk modifies venue descriptions
  • Fixed: Cumulative roll-up of various fixes for issues discovered since v4.19 – see https://bugs.mid.as for details

How To Get MIDAS v4.20…


We are committed to fair and accessible pricing for all organizations regardless of size. We’re totally upfront and transparent about our pricing structure, and you can purchase MIDAS v4.20 securely through our website and be up and running in no time!

“Self Hosted” Customers:

Self-Hosted customers with ongoing Annual Support Subscriptions will be able to update to v4.20 in the coming days. It only takes a couple of clicks – simply log in to your MIDAS system and go to MIDAS Admin Options → Manage MIDAS → Update

“Cloud Hosted” Customers:

Cloud-Hosted customers don’t need to do anything! – All our active Cloud-Hosted MIDAS customers have now been automatically updated to this latest version of MIDAS!

Thank you for your continued support of our software, and we hope you’ll enjoy the new visual themes and user interface improvements in MIDAS!

Theme Improvements

Following on from our previous post, you’ll know about some of the difficulties and challenges we’ve faced over the years in ensuring a consistent user experience can be delivered for our users, regardless of which web browser they’re using.

In response to customer feedback, updating and improving some of the visual elements of MIDAS has been the main focus for our next update, v4.20.

This blog post outlines some of the key visual changes we’re making in order to improve the user interface (UI).

Deprecating some old, less popular themes

The standard (non-HiRes) version of the “Default” theme is being retired, along with the “Pastel” and “Classic” themes.

Pastel Theme for MIDAS

The “Pastel” theme (shown above) was the least used optional theme by our customers. We may re-introduce a similar theme in the future, but for now the “Pastel” theme will no longer be available in v4.20

Classic v3 Theme for MIDAS

The “Classic” theme (shown above) was originally introduced with the release MIDAS v4.00. It was based on the icons in the previous pre-v4.00 interface for MIDAS. As there were significant changes made to various icons between MIDAS v3 and v4, the “Classic” theme’s primary purpose was to ease the transition to v4 for long standing customers familiar with icons from v3. MIDAS v3 was superseded by v4 over six years ago now, and so this interface is now very dated. As such, the “Classic” theme will no longer be available inn MIDAS v4.20.

Standard Resolution Default Theme for MIDAS

The non-HiRes version of the “Default” theme (shown above) was primarily aimed at self-hosted customers who were installing MIDAS onto a server which didn’t support serving SVG images. The non-HiRes default theme version was identical to the “Default-HiRes” theme, but with high resolution SVG icons substituted for lower resolution PNG images.

Nowadays, all modern servers can be configured to correctly serve SVG images. The majority of which being able to serve such content natively. (All our cloud-hosted customers are defaulted to the high resolution, rather than the standard resolution, “Default” theme)

The original purpose of the non-HiRes “Default” theme is therefore pretty redundant, and so has been removed from v4.20.

Updating Existing Themes

High Resolution SVG graphics in MIDAS

The previous “Default-HiRes” theme has been updated and renamed to “Default” for v4.20. The “BrushedSteel”, “HiContrast” and “Slate” themes have all had a face lift too. All of these themes now boast high resolution SVG icons, and improved layouts.

Brushed Steel Theme for MIDAS
High Contrast Theme for MIDAS
Dark Slate Theme for MIDAS

We’ve also increased the size of some visual elements to better aid those with sight difficulties or those accessing MIDAS on very small screen devices. Here’s a comparison of the login screen under the hi resolution “Default” themes in both v4.19 (left) and v4.20 (right):

MIDAS v4.19 login screenMIDAS v4.20 login screen
v4.19 Login Screenv4.20 Login Screen

Introducing New Themes!

We’re also adding THREE exciting new, high resolution themes to v4.20!


New Honeycomb theme for MIDAS


New lilac Squares theme for MIDAS


New Wood effect theme for MIDAS

Additional new themes may also be added in the future. For v4.20 though a total 7 distinctly different themes will be included as standard. No longer will there be a need to download and install (in the case of self-hosted customers) or request (in the case of cloud-hosted customers) optional themes for your MIDAS system. All 7 of these themes are included as standard.

Custom themes

Self-hosted customers will still be able to “tweak” and customize their own visual themes for MIDAS. However, the process for doing this is slightly different than before. We’ve updated our Knowledge Base with instructions in this regard.

Future development

The new way in which themes are handled starting with v4.20 make it easier for us to introduce further themes in the future. It also serves to lay future foundations for an often requested “white label” edition of MIDAS.

MIDAS and Internet Explorer 11

Here are MIDAS HQ we love getting feedback from our customers! Whether positive or critical, all feedback is important to us. Feedback helps us to continually develop and improve our MIDAS room booking & resource scheduling software and service.

Our customer feedback is overwhelmingly positive. In fact, you can read some of these comments on our website. We’re also on independent review sites such as TrustPilot too.

However, in recent times a handful of customers have commented that they perceive the MIDAS user interface (UI) a little “dated”.

We wanted to begin addressing this for our next MIDAS update. For v4.20 we’ve introduced a number of changes and improvements in this area. You can read about these changes in this blog post.

But it’s also useful to explain some of the challenges we’ve faced with regards to the UI over the years.

Ensuring maximum browser compatibility

As you may or may not know, MIDAS has been in continuous active development for well over a decade. Our philosophy has always been to support ALL popular web browsers. That includes Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, Apple Safari, and more recently Microsoft Edge.

Room Booking System for Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, and EdgeSupporting all these browsers has been an enormous task over the years. But we feel strongly that our users should have a choice of which web browser they use. We’ve been committed to ensuring a consistent MIDAS experience across browsers. We believe users shouldn’t forced to use one particular browser in order to use our MIDAS software.

Slow development of Internet Explorer

It’s fair to say that the most difficult web browser to maintain support for over the years continues to be Microsoft’s Internet Explorer. The challenge has primarily been because IE has always lagged way behind all other vendor’s browser offerings in terms of its development, updates, and support for the latest standards. Essentially, the web has developed and evolved significantly over the years we’ve been developing MIDAS. Yet over this period, Internet Explorer hasn’t kept up.

To some extent we’ve been “held back” over the years by our decision to continue to support customers who force their uses to use Internet Explorer. However, as of today the only version of Internet Explorer we officially support is 11. We’ve already deprecated support for IE10 & 9, IE8, IE7, and IE6 over the past decade.

MIDAS and Internet Explorer 11Continuing to support MIDAS in IE11 for the very small (and ever decreasing) percentage of our users who continue to use this old browser, limits how we can develop MIDAS, particularly in terms of the user interface.

The demise of Internet Explorer 11

Whilst we would have loved to have dropped IE11 support long ago, Microsoft continue to support IE11. They have committed to providing mainstream support for IE11 until the end of life of the operating systems upon which it’s installed. This includes Windows 7, 8 and 10. Windows 7 & 8 have both now reached their EOL (End Of Life) for mainstream support. Windows 10 however is still actively supported by Microsoft and will continue to be for the foreseeable future (for a minimum of at least two years).

That’s why we’ve taken the difficult – but necessary – decision that at some point during 2019 we’ll officially be dropping IE11 support in MIDAS.

This won’t necessarily mean that MIDAS will suddenly cease to function for IE11 users next year. But it does mean that over time new features and new user interface elements and enhancements may not display or – even function correctly – if you continue to access MIDAS using Internet Explorer 11.

Migrating from Internet Explorer

If you’re currently an IE11 user, there is however, plenty of time to switch to a different web browser. There’s also plenty of choice when it comes to modern alternative web browsers.

MIDAS will continue to be supported in recent versions of Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Edge, and Opera.

We appreciate that this may affect a very small number of users. However, we hope this post gives some insight and understanding as to why we’re making this decision. We’re also confident that this will give you plenty of time to switch to an alternative, more modern, web browser.

If you have any questions or concerns over how this may impact you and your organization’s use of MIDAS, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Our friendly team will be only too happy to help!

MIDAS v4.19 Out Now!

Whilst the UK have been basking in a prolonged heatwave, and preoccupied by the excitement of major sporting events such as the World Cup, Wimbledon, and the Formula One British Grand Prix, we’ve been beavering away on the next update to MIDAS, our popular web based room booking and resource scheduling software.

Today, we’re excited to announce that the latest update to MIDAS (v4.19) is now available!

As our customers have come to expect from our regular releases, this latest update boasts a variety of new and improved features, many of which are as a result of customer feedback.

Here’s What’s New & Improved in v4.19:

How To Get MIDAS v4.19…


We are committed to fair and accessible pricing for all organizations regardless of size. We’re totally upfront and transparent about our pricing structure, and you can purchase MIDAS v4.19 securely through our website and be up and running in no time!

“Self Hosted” Customers:

Self-Hosted customers with ongoing Annual Support Subscriptions will be able to update to v4.19 in the coming days. It only takes a couple of clicks – simply log in to your MIDAS system and go to MIDAS Admin Options → Manage MIDAS → Update

“Cloud Hosted” Customers:

Cloud-Hosted customers don’t need to do anything! – All our active Cloud-Hosted MIDAS customers have now been automatically updated to this latest version of MIDAS!

Thank you for your continued support of our software, and we hope you’ll enjoy the new and improved features that MIDAS v4.19 has to offer!