How to import Bookings from another application into MIDAS
You can import bookings from another scheduling application into MIDAS via MIDAS Admin Options → Import / Export. (In older versions of MIDAS, this could be found instead under Manage MIDAS → Database → Database Tools → Import Data)Whilst importing booking data will retain any existing bookings, we strongly advise that if you wish to import 3rd party booking data, you do so into a clean installation of MIDAS
WANING: We strongly advise backing up your database before importing any data
Using the import tool, you can import booking data into MIDAS v4.06 or later, that is either in a .csv (Comma Separated Values), or .txt (Tab, or other character, Delimited) file format.Additionally, in MIDAS v4.07 or later you can also import bookings in .ics (iCal) format too.
For step-by-step guides to importing booking data, please follow the appropriate link below:
- How to import a Google Calendar into MIDAS
- How to import a Yahoo Calendar into MIDAS
- How to import a MBS (Meeting oom Booking System) Calendar into MIDAS
- How to import Bookings from another application into MIDAS in .CSV format
- How to import Bookings from another application into MIDAS in iCal format
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