Do you do bespoke customizations for MIDAS?
On occasion, we're able to provide quotations for specific bespoke customizations to our room and resource scheduling software.Firstly, be sure to check our Feature Request page. It may be that the particular feature, functionality or integration you're interested in is already planned for a future update to our software.
If your desired feature isn't listed on our Feature Request page, then you may like to consider the optional MIDAS API. Our API allows bi-directional communication with your MIDAS system. In many cases the API may be utilized to achieve the specific feature, functionality or integration you're looking for.
If you do not believe that you (or your developer) could utilize our API to deliver your desired feature, functionality or integration, then please contact us to discuss your particular requirements.
We are only able to consider such requests from current customers, that is, customers with active subscriptions.
If we are able to provide a quotation for your desired customizations, we would also be able to support them through subsequent updates to MIDAS. This would apply whilst you maintain an active subscription, or until such time when your bespoke "customization" may go on to become integrated into our standard MIDAS offering.
In order for us to provide ongoing support for your customizations, the cost of your MIDAS subscription would also see an increase. The amount your subscription would increase by will depend upon the nature and complexity of your bespoke customization(s).
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