When will the new feature I've suggested be implemented?
Here at MIDAS HQ, we welcome, encourage, and appreciate suggestions from our global customer base as to how our web based room booking and resource scheduling software may be improved.Many customer-contributed ideas and suggestions go on to be implemented in MIDAS. Over the years this has helped make our software the incredibly powerful and feature rich booking system it is today!
Typically, there are in excess of 300+ items on our development list at any given time. This is a list of potential new features and improvements for consideration for implementation in future updates to our software. We currently release substantial feature-rich updates to MIDAS around 3-4 times a year, with interim updates with fixes in between.
The order and speed at which items on our development list are implemented depend upon a number of factors including:
- Each suggestion's popularity - i.e. the number of unique requests we receive for a particular new feature or improvement.
- The likely benefit of such a new feature or improvement - i.e. how specific the idea is. Is it likely to benefit the majority of our customers, or just a select few.
(If the feature suggestion is something specific to your own organization's needs, we may be able to develop a bespoke customization for you instead). - The suggested feature's complexity - i.e. how easy and practical the feature or improvement would be for us to implement.
However, we do provide a Feature Requests page which we use to gauge the level of interest in certain feature suggestions. We also use it to indicate some of the suggestions that are presently being planned/developed. You'll also find listed a variety of customer's previous ideas and suggestions that have since been implemented in our MIDAS room booking and scheduling software!
If you're looking/waiting for specific functionality that's not currently present in our software, you could always consider utilizing the optional MIDAS API. Our API can be used to develop your own interface, functionality, or integration with 3rd party applications/websites. This allows you to extend the capabilities of your MIDAS system to meet your specific needs.
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