How to relocate MIDAS to a new server
If you wish to migrate, relocate or "move" your MIDAS booking system over to a new server, it's a straight forward four-step process.- Step 1: Check your new server is ready for MIDAS
- Step 2: Move your MIDAS database(s)
- Step 3: Move your MIDAS files
- Step 4: Update your settings
Step 1: Check your new server is ready for MIDAS
First ensure that your new server meets the server requirements for running MIDAS.
It's also highly advisable to run our "Server Readiness Tool" on your new system first, as this will help you identify whether any required Perl modules are missing, which will need to be installed first in order for MIDAS to function correctly on your new server.
Step 2: Move your MIDAS database(s)
To move your MIDAS database(s) to a new MySQL/MariaDB server you will need to export the database(s) from the current database server, and import this into your new database server.
The easiest way to do this is using a program such as phpMyAdmin which provides a simple way to export/import entire MySQL/MariaDB databases.
Alternatively, you could use the MySQL command line tool, "mysqldump" to backup your MIDAS MySQL/MariaDB database from your original server, and restore it to your new server.
Step 3: Move your physical MIDAS files
You will need to copy all the files (and directories) from your current web server's MIDAS installation over to your new web server.
Please ensure that when copying files across that existing file and folder permissions are maintained.
Please also ensure that if uploading .pl/.pm files to a new server via FTP that these are transferred in ASCII mode.
Note: If the "path to perl" (i.e. the location where Perl is installed) on your new server differs from the location of Perl on your previous server, you may need to manually edit the very first line of each .pl file within your migrated MIDAS system to reflect the correct location of Perl on your new server.
Step 4: Update your settings
Use our quick and easy online self-service tool to update your MIDAS settings to reflect your new web server and/or MySQL settings.
Your MIDAS is then ready for use on your new server!
Once you're up and running on your new server, please remove all MIDAS files and directories from your previous server.
Please note that the license agreement you agreed to prior to the original installation of MIDAS on your infrastructure does not permit you to concurrently run more than a single "live" instance plus one additional "test" instance of MIDAS. If you do not fully follow the steps outlined in this article, and/or if you fail to completely remove your previous instance of MIDAS when migrating over to a new server, you may invalidate your license and may not be able to access further software updates.
If we currently "cloud host" your MIDAS system and you wish to migrate to a self-hosted edition of our software, running from your own server, please contact us for further assistance.
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