How much does MIDAS cost?
Our room booking and resource scheduling software pricing is based in part upon the number of "venues" (rooms or bookable spaces) you wish to manage, and the number of individual user accounts requiring access to your room booking system.This price is also determined by whether you wish to download MIDAS (for installation and use on your own web server) - known as our "self hosted" edition, or whether you'd like your MIDAS system to be hosted by us instead - known as our "cloud-hosted" edition.
The cost of a self hosted MIDAS room booking system is a one-time (non recurring) cost. An optional Support Subscription is also available, which if taken would incur a small additional annual fee.
The cost of a cloud hosted MIDAS room booking system is either a monthly or an annual subscription fee.
Unlike some of our competitors, we're totally upfront about our prices and always clearly display them here on our website!
Please note that as we accept payments in a range of currencies, our prices are regularly automatically adjusted to account for fluctuations in global exchange rates. The date and time that exchanges rates (and therefore our prices) were last updated is indicated on the bottom of any page on our site which containing pricing information. This may mean that if you view our prices on a given day, and then return at a later date, the prices may be slightly higher or lower than when you previously checked.
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