Firefox 9In what’s now becoming an almost monthly event, the Mozilla team have released yet another major version of their web browser, Firefox 9! Once again, we’re able to bring you this news “hot off the press”. In fact, so fresh is this news that Mozilla have yet to update their Release Notes for Firefox 9 yet!

It’s looks like the browser war between Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Chrome is really hotting up now too! Less than a week ago, Google also released a major update Google Chrome 16. In the same week, Microsoft also announced that in 2012, Internet Explorer will keep itself up-to-date. This follows in the footsteps of Firefox and Chrome which already do this.

…and if that wasn’t enough web browser news, Google Chrome 15 is now the “world’s number one browser”. That’s if the reports over the numbers over at StatCounter are to be believed.

Google Chrome 15StatCounter claims that in the last two weeks of November and the first week of December, Chrome 15 was used by 24 percent of web browser users worldwide. This compares to only 22.9 percent for IE8. It’s the first time in StatCounter’s history that a non-Microsoft browser has reached the top spot on its statistics.

These results show that Google’s Chrome web browser is definitely gaining more and more users worldwide. Just a couple of weeks ago, StatCounter claimed that Chrome overtook Mozilla’s Firefox to become the world’s number two web browser in terms of cumulative web browsers rather than specific versions.

So it looks like there’s going to be some fierce competition between the 5 main browsers in 2012. We can can expect version numbers to continue incrementing at an ever increasing rate as that all important market share is hotly contended for!

Our browser-based software, MIDAS, is fully compatible with the very latest versions of ALL 5 main browsers. We will continue to work hard during 2012 to make sure that whatever new browser versions the 5 main vendors put out, MIDAS will run in all of them!