Work on our next update to MIDAS, v3.14 is nearing completion, so we thought we’d take this opportunity to tell you about a couple of the new features in this forthcoming update…
The biggest area that’s been updated in this release is the “My Messages” module.
Starting with version 3.14 you’ll be able to:
Receive notifications when consumables are low
The person(s) responsible for purchasing consumables can be informed when they need to re-order!

Receive notifications when specific resources are added to bookings
For example, catering staff can be automatically notified when refreshments are required!
Greater control over watch “triggers”
The addition of AND/OR logic allows greater control over what triggers your watch notification. For instance you can set up a watch to notify you when either a new booking is added to a particular room OR a new booking of a particular type is added. Alternatively, you can set up the watch to notify you when a new booking is added to a particular room AND is a particular type, and so forth

Automatically forward notifications and messages to your email
You can have watch notifications and internal messages from other users automatically forwarded to your email address. This means that you don’t need to log in to MIDAS to check for new messages!
Suppress notifications window when you log in
You can disable the “My Messages” pop-up which displays after you login whenever you have messages, reminders, or watches.

Also, in v3.14 we’ve extended the “Statistics” module to now include a section for “Invoice Statistics“. In this section you’ll be able to select a date range, and MIDAS will show you statistics of all invoices sent during that period. You’ll be able to see how much has been invoiced, how much has been paid, and how much is still outstanding! …and you can breakdown these statistics by client, organization, or booking type!

You can now also Print Statistics to your printer via the main print icon!